Dev Rant should add a Linux filter, I don't need to be told using windows is wrong constantly

  • 3
    It's not wrong. Depending on what you're doing it's the right platform. But for most dev stuff it isn't the best option.
    In your bio it looks like you do game dev, so windows is probably the right choice for you.
  • 2

    Joking. I'm a .NET dev. I need Windows, I'm happy with it.
  • 0
    Please yes oh my god yes.
  • 1
    macOS sent its regards
  • 2
    ++ to that.

    Win 10 is still beta grade and people are using it in production and there are too many problems for them.

    I don't want to read rants with windows tags so I guess tag filtering would be awesome for all users.
  • 2
    No make it an OS filter. I've also seen hate on linux etc, if you want to do it anyways, make it fair at least.
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    @Jop- no 3dsmax or maya on lunux
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    There at fanboys in both sides of the table, use what ever you thing is best for you.

    Ignore the trolls happy coding.
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    @Jop- even tho those would be for artists, not devs
  • 2
    Totally agree. It's tiring. And then it's like, "if you're a real dev, you use linux".
    We're mostly devs here and we use whatever we're comfortable with.
    Windows, Linux and osX all work just fine.
  • 1
    Windows is horrible
  • 0
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    @esaysimyan Maybe for you but that doesn't mean it works like that for everyone!
  • 0
    Guys... This is exactly what the -- button is for. If you don't like a post which contains hate, just flag it as either "spam" or "not for me". The algorithm will kick in and you won't see those posts anymore (after a while.)
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