
To paraphrase Paul Graham:

Arguing that Vue is better than React is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark.

  • 1
    Nuxt is the chocolate coating that makes grasshoppers into a delicacy

    Next is cinnamon
  • 0
    The combination of client-side routing, SSR, lazy loading and declarative UI is what makes metaframeworks and the component frameworks they use so appealing. These technologies are technically achievable on their own (I use a hand-crafted variant of this combo on my website) but it's a lot of scaffolding that's either very unstable or very time consuming
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    @lbfalvy but wouldn't you rather have chocolate _without_ having a disgusting insect in it? (to resolve the metaphore: anything that has nothing to do with the abomination that is javascript)
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    @tosensei What are you suggesting then, php?
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    @localpost compared to JS, everything is an upgrade. brainfuck, even.
  • 3
    Joke's on you @kiki!! In Mexico we eat grasshoppers and we LIKE IT
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    Fun fact: If you put a grasshopper in the microwave they turn pink just like when you cook shrimp.
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    What a retarded thing to say.
  • 1
    Actually, fried grasshoppers are tasting way better than tree bark.

    I neither use Vue nor React though - so can't verify whether Vue indeed is superior as you seem to imply...
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    @kiki I think Paul Graham made a retarded comparison while trying to be clever.
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