
I'm a Python dev, yet 99% of my work over last 3 weeks has been JS. How do js devs not sit in the corner of a room crying at the end of a day?

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    I know.
    I think because they are too busy building new frameworks
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    Who said we doesn't?

    But seriously, JS can be very different. And the kind of gotchas it has is the exact kind that is easy to trip on coming from another language.
    I think the approach to apply in your situation is "can't beat them, join them" and try to find some time to actually learn a bit in peace about language.
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    I just cry all day long when I'm working in JavaScript.
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    Because its a pretty enjoyable language
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    Because the day never ends. Ever
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    I'm about to start writing some node.js code. Moving from Java/Python. should be interesting.
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    At least some of us do..
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    Because we know we don't have to work with python...😉
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    I'm just a dev. I'll do any language that's required for the job. Why pigeonhole yourself?
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    Lol damn this does not make me excited to learn JS(c++ dev), which i have to do in the coming months...
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    Well, I miss my fix typing in js but otherwise it's not too bad. Functions as objects is a cool concept and it's on the fly definable objects are fun to play with. I'd not write a large application in it and on the server I definitely prefer php or python but if I'm forced to play with it on the client side it could be worse. Just imagine perl as the standard.
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    Same way scala devs don't cry when we gotta write python ;)
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    Cause js is awesome, it does everything. It even makes coffee.
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    I come from C#/C++ and used to think JS is bullshit. Then I learned Knockout (back in the day) then Angular, then Typescript and ES6. Now JS is my favourite language.
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    Simple, we write good code.
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    @LombArd @Arlekin @juneeighteen I cry and I don't even need to work with JavaScript
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    Because while crying you might miss a new js framework
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    @kaqqao What language would you propose people use in the browser for dynamically scripting things based on user interaction? This is what I don't understand about the hate for JS. It's use cases are different than other programming languages. And now it's the de facto client side language because other things like Java applets were given a chance and proved to be less versatile and/or easy than JavaScript.
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    I mean I guess to be fair, we could go back to the days of page postbacks so the JS haters can use server side for everything. I'm sure users will love that.
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    @kaqqao that can't be done without a full rewrite. PureScript, TypeScript and Elm aren't really languages per say. They are super sets of a language. They rely on our beloved JavaScript. More options are always better but JS is a hell of a powerful language when used correctly. I'm not super familiar with dart so I won't speak to that one.
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    @kaqqao I would agree that it would be nice to have more options but I think JS is fine in the meantime. It's extremely versatile. And not even including Node.JS it's already taking over tasks that were traditionally server side tasks.
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    @tizo node.js is server side.
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    @RTRMS that's why I said not including Node.JS. As in regular ol' client side JS.
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    @RTRMS that strongly relies on your definition of server-side, since there are many client applications, with or without a GUI, written in node.
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    I love it's versatility! And how easy it is to get stuff done.
    I mean, with php or python you are required to use some laravel framework and render the HTML markup.
    With python you use some Jinja templates to render the markup and then require some frontend to do the rest with it.

    With node.js and react? You code once and you have server and client sharing the same code. Since you are the same dev developing the client and the API you know how to adjust everything to your needs. No need to wait for someone to provide for an endpoint.
    For years I felt I couldn't be a good fullstack or develop any side project without help of other because my php wasn't that great. Sure I could improve it, but then I wouldn't become a team lead in 2 years for being good at frontend.

    Now, thanks to js and its possibilities I released 2 side projects in under 1 year and one of them is starting to get traction.

    JS may not be the best language, but it sure is darn fast to release working stuff in it.
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