
Just discover that I can send "echo bomb" to one of my fellow students trough SSH with the write command.

Then I discover the wall command to send messages to every connected user. Not sure if I am brave enough or if I am going to be banned from our network if I do that 😅

  • 1
    Do it or no balls 🙄
  • 0
    Hey we are programmers, our mission is to discover
  • 1
    U won't, no balls...! Keep us updated.
  • 1
    I'd like to quote Shia here: "Just do it!"
  • 1
    I've done it !
    There was not that much people connected trough SSH and for the few that were there it was just something fun or a bit disturbing.

    I neglected the fact that my name was the first thing that was displayed so I got some questions about how I could do that.

    In the end, that was fun :D
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