
Have you tried switching it off and on again?

  • 3
    Yeah that's Microsoft support for you
  • 0
    Classic desperation move.. although it worked for me once.. ;D
  • 1
    When in doubt... reboot.
  • 0
    Worst (best?) part of it all is that it usually works!
  • 4
    Did anyone else hear the voice of Roy from IT-Crowd ?
  • 0
    Have you asked Clippy yet?
  • 0
    It becomes a norm for end users. They must go on the net and Google how to resolve basic computer issue for dummies.

    I get at least three calls a day, "my internet/mouse/Outlook doesn't want to open, and I have restarted 3 times already"
  • 0
    @dandel10n I love that episode. Especially when he answers the phone and doesn't even ask the callers what they want, but just immediately asks "Have you tried ...".
  • 0
    Make sure the cable is plugged in
  • -1
  • 1
    @prateek7 WTH man, I didn't know you could get below zero :D
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