

Fun fact

Did you know that there is a UNIX command called "tac" which prints the contents of a file from bottom to top, unlike "cat" which prints them top to bottom.

  • 28
    Time to add "alias cat=tac" in .bashrc and .zshrc
  • 9
    @m93mark lucifer here. Are you looking for a job?
  • 3
    Wow, I just tried it in termux. I never new tac existed.
  • 1
    @tahnik I still need to absorb the last bit of evilness, I'm mostly done
  • 2
    alias ls='sl'. sl must be installed...
  • 2
    @sirjofri actually I will do alias ls=Is (this is capital i and s not L and s)
  • 1
  • 1
    No idea why but I feel the need to make a russian roulette script which will cat the file, forward args and pipe the content randomly into either tac or cat.
  • 0
    WTF??? LINUS TORVALS seem to think it makes linux look nicer if he adds useless features xD
  • 5
    @linuxer4fun Easter eggs like this is pride of developers. Don't tell me you never added some sneaky feature with some humor.
  • 2
    @linuxer4fun There is a slight chance that tac has been written by Stallman. The FSF did most of the command line utilities.
  • 1
  • 0
    Time to summon Satan I guess...
  • 0
    Today I learned
  • 0
    I use tac to read lengthy log files. Just pipe it to less command and voila
  • 0
    I knew, but cool that you posted it here anyway
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