So... thoughts on Tailwind CSS?

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    It's a no from me. Standard css class names and Less will do me just fine.
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    It takes longer to add all the classes to your element then it does just to write css. 🤷‍♂️
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    I like sass more, because i don't have to use anything from the npm environment. And i like the language more.
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    I think Tailwind provides user friendly examples of what to achieve and is ideal for beginners of css or just ones who don’t want to go through css learning I guess (I’m one of them)
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    In my experience, people misunderstand the core concept behind Tailwind CSS - utility-first. It's underrated.

    There are critical use cases that utility-first approach addresses:
    - (top one and time saver) no more making up class names and doing sacrifices for the BEM church;
    - make your own design systems with this as a framework, all is Agile-friendly;
    - no context switching, think about presentation right in markup;
    - best used within components where you can declare presentation depending on component's state;
    - avoiding CSS repitition with such notable advantages as little file size (for this, use Tailwind JIT or Windi) and short aliases replacing bunch of properties.

    You would *want* this for your DX, when jotting yet another big app.
    (And no, it's not the same as writing inline styles, stop.)
  • 2
    Love it. Yes there’s a learning curve, but switching between css files, and HTML files is annoying for me. I rather go to the only file related to the component and edit there.

    I will agree it can make the markup a little harder to read with all the classes, but when you build a component system, for me you make the component once, and then I don’t see it again.

    I spend most of my time developing layouts with components we took the time to make, so our layout markup is actually relatively clean because all the styles are handle inside the components we made.
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