
Hi Guys,

Has anyone used websockets in their projects?

Want to know what problem did it solved and what kind of project it was ?

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    I used web sockets using node.js server and socket.io javascript library. Was for telling connected clients about certain user generated events. Basically an extension of an example node js chat server example i found
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    @plumbus Thanks a lot. Were you able to send the push notifications (without clients request) ? Similar to server send events??
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    @guru Yup, push from the server is exactly what's nice about web sockets.
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    @guru well... if user A did action foo user B would see a notification. Would push to everyone connected iirc. But I didn't have the server sending anything periodically or unsolicited
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    Did a few things in Go with it. Fairly easy to implement a clean event based system.

    Also build a slackbot based on https://opsdash.com/blog/...
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    I have used socket.io for a real time chat app
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    I haven't used them myself, but Stack Exchange chat is built on websockets.
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    I was using Socket.io on a Windows server and setting up the app to read the SSL certificate was kind of a pain.
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    @spongessuck You lost me at "Windows server"
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    real time notifications.
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    We use it for our ng-mongoose and mongoose-ws package, basically mongoose (odm for mongodb) in the browser for Angular and "realtime" db everywhere.

    Quite handy.
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    I used it for a client's event mobile page. An admin pushes different types of contents for the visitors in realtime. New visitors see the last pushed stuff. Backend in php (I know it's not for this, but sysadmin only enabled php for the daemon running the server), frontend in simple jquery.
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    @bguiz OK, guy, I guess you're cool.
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    We use websocket to push live stock ticker to several thousand users. It's also used to push generic messages to users. Benchmarked several stacks and languages and settled with Golang. People say nodejs is best but if you want scale forget about it and go with Golang or Elixir.
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    @spongessuck Hey I don't grow this nebeard for nothin'!

    ... JK, just love trolling!
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