

I hate Apple and I hate all their products and I hate everyone that thinks Apple is "innovating" and I don't know why so many developers use OSX when they can use Linux. A closed source company with a closed mind.

  • 15
    Why don't you teach me then how to develop my iOS apps on Linux? Man stop blatant generalizations.
  • 1
    Should I hate the hatters now ?
  • 7
    @bdhobare don't develop iOS apps because apple is a shit company. Problem solved.
  • 1
    Man search for bonjour and cups and you'll get know betterment
  • 7
    I Guess the build quality, keyboard layout and simplicity of having a Unix-like system that "just works" is what's appealing to many.

    And perhaps because many developer tutorials seems to be made on macs? :p
  • 2
    As a designer you don't have an option. All the designtools run on macOS. 😔
  • 0
    Python tensorflow only on MacOS
  • 4
    "Everyone on the highway is driving in the wrong direction except me".

  • 6
    BTW, how is this not a rant?
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    I'm really interested in mobile development and so the only reason I'd ever use a mac/iPhone is because they have a huge market base and for me it's kind of important to get your product to as many people as possible. Granted the people who use their products tend to be pretentious fucktards but why should I care?

    Apple hasn't innovated for several years, the MacBook with touch bars was just some shit proof of concept and their phones are literally the exact same except with an improved camera or whatever which I'll never understand why. People who take a lot of photos on a mobile phone are not professional photographers usually and therefore do not care about tiny improvements to a camera, professionals do not use mobile phones for professional work and I'll never understand why that's one of their biggest selling points.

    People buy Apple products because of the name but imo now most of the innovate products come from small unknown companies who don't have much to prove
  • 9
    Here's a small point of data to add to your blatant generalizations:

    - I don't use Windows because I need something Unix/Linux based, an environment that is at least close to the OS the runs our apps in production.
    - I don't use android because getting security updates on any of the decent phones after a year is a joke. That and if you want to really unlock the power of your phone you need to root it, which makes updating even worse.
    - I don't use Linux because my free time is worth something to me. I saw a startup fail hard because the senior dev team all used different flavors of Linux and spent more time tinkering with their dev environment than shipping product.

    To be fair, I actually do want to make Linux my OS of choice, but I want a laptop that doesn't feel like it was made by Fisher Price and has a decent trackpad. Find me a laptop with the same build quality as a MacBook Pro and I'd be convinced.
  • 4
    Im an Android dev, a vim user yet I love mac because the hardware build is great, and the software just-work-out-of-the-box, most of the software is well tested, I will never run into time consuming problems like I did when I was using Ubuntu before. In short, I just want a computer which works for what I need, and macbook fits me best.

    BTW, it's just a tool, pick whatever you feel most comfortable, why wasting your time bashing other people's choices, chill man 😁
  • 1
    @tytho well, Nexus/pixel and some others get regular updates. My xperia XZ for example has been getting monthly security updates along with (and this month, even before) the nexus/pixels. Samsung I guess is too doing good with regular updates
  • 0
    @flag0 As for Samsung, I can say definitely no for the midrange phones. My Galaxy Tab S2 got Android 6 this summer though. One month before Android 7 was released for Nexus.

    No Android 7 for the Tab yet and no other updates since the v6 update.
  • 1
    @flag0 I find my one plus 1 & 3 to be following pretty closely to upstream, on oxygen os :)
  • 2
    This is devRant so feel free to keep on ranting about Apple. I certainly won't care. :)

    But here's my $0.02 (whether you want it or not)...

    Don't be so judgmental about peoples life choices. Some people choose to have kids. Some people want a nice car. Some people like the simplicity of iOS/Mac OS, REGARDLESS of the price of the product. Part of being less judgmental is realizing that people have different needs/desires than you and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • 2
    @tytho A Dell XPS runs great on Linux and has a really nice build quality as well as the light and portable factor of it. Also about your point on Android, iOS only runs on iPhone and iPad, the hardware is catered for the OS and thus doesn't need the updated Android does. Android runs on billions of devices and many types of devices and because Google care about people who are less privileged and cannot afford technology the way apple sells it, they also provide the Android OS to run on old devices by other OEMs.
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    @sam9669 not true, I'm using it on Windows
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    @kb88 tell me everything
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    Last time I heard freaking Linus Torvalds was using a MacBook, iPhone might be called shit not macros.
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    I also am not a fan of mac, and think it's bs you need to use mac to dev for iOS. As for the previous comments saying you need to root Android to get the full power out of them is the same not true for iOS and jailbreaking?
  • 1
    @px06 who cares if Apple is a shit company? There's a lot of profit to be made from the App Store, and not releasing something because you're biased against it is plain childish and stupid.
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    @tytho "Find me a laptop with the same built quality as MacBook pro"
    Buy a Thinkpad X1 series, install Ubuntu and you good to go.

    IMO, Thinkpad has even better built quality but it's just not look as pretty as MacBook.
  • 0
    Well, it does have software support and you don't need a CS degree to use it properly.

    From CS student who uses both.

    Also, it has great design. As opposed to a community that (apart from GNOME) insists in using 98 design paradigm.
  • 0
    @px06 I've heard good things about the XPS. I think I might give that a shot this summer.

    As for the android, when a company sells phones that cheap or free, the phone isn't the product, you are. How do you think Google gets all of its traffic data?

    Besides, I actually think Google does a much better job on their phones than other Android Phone manufacturers. They do care about updating and if I were to ever get an android, it would be a google one. The fundamental problem with android is that Google lets any manufacturer use it as the OS for their phones. So they make millions selling phones, but then security holes are found, and those manufacturers have two choices: patch the system, or make a new phone (which they were already planning on doing). Financially, it makes way more sense to just make the new phone and leave the others in the dust because the security patch is just expense. Now the poorer people are left with insecure phones ripe for identity theft which really happens
  • 0
    @feryardiant hmmm... Thinkpad X1 does look pretty slick. I think between that and the Dell XPS I have some good choices. For the price of a MacBook Pro, maybe I'll get both! Lol
  • 2
    Oh, there might be a lot of reasons why developers use OS X.

    I use 3 OS-es for myself. I use Windows for gaming, Mac for UI/UX designing (I use Adobe XD / Sketch) and also for developing iOS Apps. For everything else, I use (Arch) Linux. I just wrote this so you know my
    opinions are not biased in any way!

    So.. the reasons! Apple (both OS X and iOS) has a very clean and better environment, makes things easier to use for all users and upgrades very often leaving only a few bugs in their software. Another reason is, they have a big user-base. If you want to develop OSX apps, you better use OS X.

    I, myself, love Linux. But I understand why everyone doesn't use it since it's really really hard to use (or fix when broken).

    And since you like it that much that it is open source... here's an idea. Linux is open source, you're a developer -> Develop a better Desktop Environment that is user-centered and will make everyone use it. I might even contribute to your git repo.
  • 1
    @tytho don't be rust, X1 carbon 5th gen will release this June.
  • 1
    @tytho Google is a better company as a whole, let me put it this way from my perspective. How many applications has Apple created for Android users to use? Maybe 2 or 3 from which one of them is to move users away from Android to iPhone (they've not done this for iPhone to Android the other way around).

    Comparing this to Google, who've created several applications to provide the environment and accessibility of Google products on the Apple devices, I see that Google not only cares about its customers, it also doesn't limit them from using only its own products like Android to benefit from the ecosystem. Apple ties you into this vicious ecosystem of its, which is not only expensive but you have no room to do anything. No freedom to use Android with a MacBook which can easily be added. No way to sync different platforms with iDevices, nothing at all. I personally refuse to be part of such a cult.
  • 1
    @px06 I'm in agreement there. Apple only cares about its own ecosystem, and its detrimental to its users. Google itself does a very good job with its own phones keeping them patched and up to date. But the main problem with Android isn't Google, it's the other manufacturers. They put there own bloatware, spyware, and proprietary software (not unlike Apple) on their phones, and then after a year, they stop updating their phones which leaves them insecure, and leaves their users vulnerable. The only viable option for security is to stick with google phones (which is totally fine) or to get a new phone every year, which could end up being as costly as getting a new iPhone.

    All that said, I agree with you for the most part about Apple being poisonous to the community as a while. But it doesn't make me hate the users of their products. I've been more productive on a Mac than any other computer, but I know others who don't. It's not a religion, it's a tool.
  • 1
    @tytho I totally agree and hence I have always only used the Nexus phones and now will be switching from my Nexus to the Pixel. Because I agree that long term support is necessary and so is having patch updates at the right time. I don't dislike people who use Mac because I'm not so judgemental as to dislike someone based upon the manufacturer of the screwdriver they're using, and I get that it's just a tool. I feel that Apple needs to take input from the community and do something that people want for once, which I have never seen happen before. Maybe that'll change or maybe it won't. Who knows?
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    @px06 I suspect that the next release of MacBook Pro with be sans touchbar, or at least release a comparable system without it, since the one they did release without the touchbar was lacking in a lot of specs. If that isn't the case, they will suffer a lot. I think I'm done with MacBook Pros for now until they start making major changes to cater to their developers (shipping with an ancient version of bash? Unacceptable amongst other things). I doubt they will, which is a shame.

    Might be looking to switch to the Pixel once I leave my current MacBook behind
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    @runfrodorun read my post again, where did I mention microsoft :))))))))))))))) xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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    @sam9669 it just works 😁 but you have to use python 3.5, tensorflow lacks support for 3.6 on windows.
    i made a seperate environment for this using anaconda (which I don't really like, but weren't able to get it up and running otherwise).
  • 1
    @tytho Keep in mind that Samsung != Android just because some third-party company doesn't care about their doesn't mean the os is bad...
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    @SHA-256 For sure, I just don't like the distribution model because it allows those other distributors to not update the OS. I think Android is a great OS, and if I were to ever get an android phone, it would be a Google made one.
  • 1
    @tytho Well it's what open source is all about....and yeah get a Google one (Nexus 6 owner here...awesome phone)
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