
I'm so glad our university lecturer intoduced us this app 😃 lots of really cool ppl here 😃

  • 1
    Yeah! You see a ton of interesting people here
  • 2
    I'm curious, how was devRant introduced to you?
  • 6
    Wait, wut? I came here to rant about my collegues and my teachers and yours introduce you to devRant? What the well?! o_O
  • 2
    Dayum, you got great professors there. Enjoy your CS study!
  • 1
    @milkbytes hahhaa 😂 well this teacher is really chill and he is really young, compared to all the others, I'm sure you would like him and his teaching 😀
  • 0
    @kunashe our teacher was just about to start his lecture. Then he said that he found this cool new app that has reletable problems and we should check it out because it might even help us to get more understanding of our codes etc :)
  • 2
    I saw a rant or comment a few days or so ago saying they were going to introduce this app to their students.... Hmmmm....
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