
People are fucking idiots. Had agreed to a meeting on Monday morning at 9 with some generic startup. Agreed to listen to their pitch after they had bugged me with hundred phonecalls and emails. It happened that my kid got sick during the previous night and this being the only meeting I decided to work from home and stay with the kid. I sent an email at 2am as apologizing, canceling the meeting and proposing a new time for another day this week.

Well at 9am I get a call from reception that my guests have arrived. I call the contact and she's angry at me that I didn't show. When I asked about the email she snaps at me: I don't have time to read emails on Monday mornings.

Well I don't give a flying fuck about your shitty pitch. Go fucking peddle your shit somewhere else if you can't handle your affairs and start snapping at me. FUCK.

  • 15
    Yeah people can be a-holes constantly, it bothers me even more when you have no real obligation with them is just a favor or they are trying to get your help
  • 31
    I think you dodged a bullet mate.
  • 24
    "So it's like facebook but..."
  • 7
    Send them another email: "Read your fucking mail if you want to get and retain clients."
  • 14
    ++ for chosing to spend time with your kid instead.
  • 1
    @yo-yo new identity?
  • 1
    @jAsE dude, What happened to you?
  • 1
    @jAsE you are also @yo-yo?
  • 2
    Tested their product and it was total crap. Found a vulnerability in 5 minutes of playing with it that rendered the whole thing unusable. I literally broke their service with a one POST. Sanitize much? UI looked like it was done in the 80ies and UX was worse.

    You get one chance. Why the fuck do you bring forward stuff that is clearly not ready and not tested? Is it the customers job to test it? You want it also done for free? Oh and you want me to promote your product. I get that you need to ship fast to get those loans repaid, but too fast and you loose the little credibility the veil of novelty grants you.

    I repeat. Idiots.
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