
I fucking hate frontend

  • 4
    same ngl
  • 5
    I completely understand that. But I like it for the obvious visible progress you make.
  • 5
    Well then don’t do it, or else I will hate you for being a shitty Frontend dev.
  • 4
    We hate you too backend... full-stack...whatever you are..
  • 1
    And frontend hates you back.. equally.
  • 1
    I used to, but vue and inertia changed my mind. Now I tolerate it.
  • 2
    I hate it. I cant stand doing it.
  • 1
    *Webpack would like to know your location*
  • 3
    You can dm me if you need a hug. I’m always here to support those who struggle with frontend
  • 1
    I too am more of a back end guy ;)
  • 4
    Also I can probably do everything you struggle with in like 20-30 lines of css
  • 2
    This is a reminder for back ends to shower tomorrow 💩
  • 1
    @c64forthewin I like your avi lol
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    @kiki honestly recently have just settled for using bootstrap which is pretty nice.
  • 0
    I wanted to make a guess if it is web frontend that you hate. But I see it in the comments already. Btw, funny how it is just assumed by everyone and they were right.
    What you hate is not frontend probably. It's web dev. And I hate it too. I love native frontend dev.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I like backend
  • 2
    I feel like I hate everything that needs an API, either on the consumer or supplier side.

    I think I'm just going to code Commodore 64 games again and sell some cartridges. Fuck JSON, it's all about sprite buffers.
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