
This moment when you're at 9++ !

  • 4
    ah I like noobs
  • 0
    @leviathan07 I'm not a noob anymore, I have my avatar :)
  • 2
    I remember when I was 9++ ... that seems like a lifetime ago.

    Maybe, what... two weeks back?
  • 0
    @runfrodorun what are you up to now?
  • 2
    Ohh those times ... I was so excited for finally being able to have an avatar.
  • 2
    9++? Surely you mean ++9.
  • 0
    I was a few hours ago
  • 0
    back in those days, I had around +300 when they first introduced the option to have an Avatar, so basically I didn't get the thrill u guys are getting.

    Nevertheless we early ranters were pretty excited about the feature
  • 0
    That's a compilation error.
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