Any tricks you use to code faster ?

  • 16
    Don't code in C
  • 15
    Yeah. Get up very early in the morning and exercise your fingers. 3 sets of bench presses, 3 sets of sit-ups and 5 sets of push-ups. In under 2 weeks you should be coding faster.
  • 6
    Think more. You can only code as fast as you know what to write so make sure you know what you're doing before you get stuck in.
  • 43
    Don't code faster, code better
  • 6
    @LucaScorpion Amen! I was about to say that. :)
  • 2
    I whole-heartedly agree with @LucaScorpion
  • 8
    Wd40 on my fingertips.
  • 14
    Do 6 lines of cocaine followed by monster energy.
  • 11
    Get to know your IDE/editor.
  • 3
    @stupidcats Only useful for HTML/XML
  • 1
    Try out some tools or plugins for your choice of editor. I use Visual Studio with Resharper plugin to write code not only faster but also better and cleaner.
  • 4
    @stupidcats YES! Emmet is godsend..
  • 2
    I use 'tab'. A lot!
  • 2
    @Letmecode I hope one day to become really productive in vim, but the beginning is hard...
  • 4
  • 1
    Destroy router.
  • 2
    I am glad that this question raised sl many comments (guess I haven't had so many comments on a question on devrant) and thank you all for your contributions. Still, I may say that I am surprised nobody mentionned tdd specifically, does everyone of you use this already so it seems so natural not to mention it ?
  • 0
    Type faster.
  • 1
    @GreatNespresso that's really not a thing that TDD is, or is really going to help you with though. In fact, if you aren't used to the process already then for a good while TDD will slow you down. A lot.
  • 0
    Just one thing THINK FIRST
  • 0
    @kamen Very important
  • 1
    I leaned VIM to get faster at coding. I still love VIM now, but I genuinely think the faster you code the worse your code is likely to be.

    As a wise redditor once told me, " pushing the keys is the easy part."
  • 1
    Unrealistic deadlines.
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