
This actually causes me anxiety

Mozilla or Chrome? :\

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    Opera or Vivaldi, priority in the latter 😜
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    Chrome FTW, don' t argue about this ever.
  • 4
    I use both as daily drivers.

    They're equally as good, but I favour Firefox because of NoScript.
  • 6
    I'm a google shill, so I tend to go with Chrome. Having it be hooked into my google account, which is hooked into pretty much everything else, is pretty cool. I use a lot of devices and being able to sync everything that way is my main reason. Though I will admit, Chrome is a shameless resource hog.
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    @Notebookdeviant Side note, *chromium. Not the norm to use normal "Chrome" on a linux machine.
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    Firefox as daily driver, Chrome for dev.
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    Firefox 24/7. Unless I encounter a computer with it, then I use whatever is available except for IE.
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    Feel like I should mention Firefox Developer Edition too. I don't use it, but our web developers seem to like it due to all of the built in tools.
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    Edge has overtaken chrome in my life... *Braces for the hate*
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    @Artemix Hey, someone who thinks like me on this subject, that's new...
    What do you use instead of Google?
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    Chromium because it manages google accounts really well, makes life a lot easier since we use G Suite at work.

    Went back to FF for a couple of days and it's much better than it was 4 years ago, definitely considering a permanent switch back now.
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    I use Chrome, it has the best developer tools
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    @Jantje19 I get the rationale, but you can use add-ons in Firefox. Not a deal breaker for me.
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    Mozilla Firefox then chrome for a little testing and one addon I can't get on firefox.
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