Why tf does IE6 not support js classes?! What in the actual fuck is up with that so called browser? We need to sink that motherfucker to the bottom of the gulf.

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    I correct myself...ITS MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF IE
  • 5
    Wait, it supports js?
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    @alexbrooklyn it supports Ebola
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    @bnickles hi, how are things in 2010?
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    Why tf do you care about support for IE6?

    I agree with you about letting it sink to the bottom of the gulf, btw.
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    @unknown from my experience, you have to be ready for anything and everything. A lot of dumb motherfuckers out there that still use it.
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    @bnickles I mean are you targetting an enterprise environment?

    By enterprise environment I mean a piece of shit dinosaur company run by old pieces of shit.

    Otherwise, it's fine nowadays to not give two shits about ie6. ie10 maybe, hardly ie9, but ie6? no man, let go (unless this is aforementioned case)
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    @erandria I can probably get away with not allowing IE6 but a lot of this companies users are 50+ and still use IE11. Frameworks like Angular usually take care of those issues for me but I was forced to use plain javascript for this particular web page.
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    @bnickles ofc, ie11 is where you draw the line
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    @beegC0de yes looks like the best solution so far
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    JS object orientation is based on prototyping. Classes where only very recently added for people who find it hard to work with that.
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    For the same reason Windows 98 doesn’t support SSD trimming.
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    @620hun by far the best answer 😂
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