Just lost my shit with a colleague which went for the Nth time "Oh MaN tHiS sCrIpT sUcKs So BaD".

Dude, I wrote the thing in 5 days, and back when I did I had no experience whatsoever with JS -or with programming at all, for that matter. It was pretty much my first project and I was as green as it can possibly get.

And yet, that script served us well for well over a year and a half without being touched once. It always worked for everything you could possibly want. Shut your mouth or do it yourself, buddy.

  • 5
    Just tell him to rewrite it. If he has the time to complain about all the time, he should be able to find time to "fix" it.
  • 3
    @NotWhoIUsedToBe Told him a dozen times, "But I don't have the experience" - still don't understand how that is supposed to be an excuse for him and not for my past self. The thing could use some improvements and I would rewrite the thing myself, if only I had the time. BUT I DO NOT.
  • 2
    @IHateForALiving He doesn't have the experience to rewrite it, yet has the experience to critique it?
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