
What's a language you were once biased against fanatically, but ended up really enjoying writing with?

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    @-Tor What spurred that shift? Over-saturation?
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    @-Tor I've started learning Arch Linux on my laptop; I'm learning so much. I'm honestly considering forgoing Windows all together, but... Work uses Windows and C#. Same boat, different moat.

    I used to hate Python because I picked up Lua and didn't look back. In a game-dev sense, Lua is better to pick up and use if you have an existing framework. But Python is really solid for working from scratch, or making a CLI for something unique. So many packages, so many options.
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    I used to hate Python some time ago, it was too far from what I've been learning (mostly c++ and java), too high level and simplistic syntax, I always considered it "educational" and less serious.

    But then one day I had to quickly make a CLI file generator, so I made it with Python and I really enjoyed how quick and compact it was to implement it. Now is my favorite tool for CLI programs/scripts. I'm even replacing MATLAB with it for graphing and computational stuff
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    None, i have always approached tech stacks with an open mind.

    I do dislike some, but i blame it on my lack of understanding of said stacks. When it comes to languages, I dislike cpp, i will use it and study it, but the complexity generated by the code makes it look ugly to me. Minor point tho.
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    Javascript, I hated it. but hen I tried id a little, I hated it more
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    Strangely the only language I’ve never liked was Scratch. But getting into robotics and teaching kids how to do some basic things and logic handling, it has left a dent in my wisdom to never dislike a language, admire its potential instead, also it’s a half decent replacement... minus the lacking frame rate, for Flash.

    It’s actually quite decent for “basic” things, plus most robotics toys (think app enabled) come with a version of its own scratch anyway so you’re kinda forced into dealing with it.
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    I hate C++, but I'll probably use Unreal Engine in my new project so I have to learn it. We'll see if I end up liking it
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    I do this with almost all my languages actually.

    python: C is prefectly good. why go higher? oh cause high level is actually super useful and makes things so easy!

    ruby: looks kinda weird. and python is fine. oh except the Daisy chaining and reopening classes is kinda the best thing ever.

    brainfuck: now why the fuck would anyone like this?! but it is kind of fun I guess. I wonder if I can make THIS part better?! *hours later*

    it has happened in reverse for me though.

    JS: I like JavaScript. web dev is interesting, but I'm more of a host guy. but sure, it's nice. *years later* WTF happened here? what's going on?!!!! react? Vue? why does nobody like jquery anymore? and node? ES6? I don't even ...
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    @Marl3x You *hate* something you do not know? That's a bit short-sighted, isn't it?
    Don't jump into C++ top-down. Learn bottom-up by starting with the C core.
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    @Yamakuzure I never said I dont know it. I've used it in school and one of my projects. I actually like C, but as soon as I see what you have to do in C++ (syntactically) to achieve simple things...
    I wrote 'learn' because I dont know it well.
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    All scripting languages. bought into so much hype (term script kiddy). But most have gained ways to organize code and write compiled-like now. Classes and such.

    Javascript with es6. I’m still not a huge fan of python. I regard it as the same as vba (it’s purpose, at least, is the same...to glue compiles libraries together into functional code - it isn’t meant to do heavy lifting. Just like how com supports vba).

    Except TCL. It can burn in a fire. So glad python evolved to replace it.
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    nodejs and python
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    None. I stick to my decisions.
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