So I just got rejected for a job for being too introverted.

They were very impressed with my advanced and broad technical knowledge but they said I'm "too introverted to hang out with cool, young people". That's ageism and that's illegal. Anyway.

I have more knowledge than most senior specialist devs (I've worked with them and I know them) but just because I'm a reserved and thinking person, I'm not welcome in this society of idiots and I don't get a job.

Two words: fuck society.

  • 42
    I would like you
  • 4
    @Linux based on what?
  • 21
    Because of those cool and young people who come and go from project I blocked merging pull requests to master without review. Fucking morons, don’t let anybody talk to you like that and don’t even think about it. They are just dumb motherfuckers.
  • 31
    They should not have said that, and they probably ment that you don't fit in their team from a social point of view,

    Nothing is wrong with you...

    It's just that their social attitude probably won't mix that well with yours
    Every company and their teams are different

    Don't take this too hard on yourself 😉 it's just not the right team for you

    And if they lose your knowledge then it's their loss 😋
  • 13
    We live in a society...
  • 13
    Think of it another way: they didn't think you'd like working there because there are annoying people working there that will annoy you all day.
  • 7
    @CaptainRant - .... Linus? is that you?

    these guys are not worth your time. go do something else.
  • 3
    Hmm to sue or not to sue?
  • 8
    How is it illegal to not hire people you dont like.
  • 8
    @Kulijana well they specifically cited age, which is illegal discrimination in the US unless it is critical to the job preformed. (E.g. casting actors for age specific roles) Now age discrimination often happens, but it is usually veiled under normal selection of just ghosting or just saying "we are going in a different direction"

    Because the company cited age specifically, INAL but I think op has a case. Now, is it worth anything besides harassing the company? IDK.
  • 1
    Hmm, thanks for the insight.
    Still, even if we take what op says in face value, it doesnt seem to be related to age, op even said its because of introversy. And it seems very unlikely that they said what op cited.
  • 6
    Holy crap. After hearing something like that, neither you nor I would want to work at a place like that anyway. Company culture is a large factor in job searching.
  • 4
    Like if young means cool, yes, youngest people have a fresh mind, but a expert developer is really important in a team.

    Don't listen to them, if you are expert like you said you will get one soon.
  • 6
    Well, we could sit in a room the entire day and dont say a word but still have a great day both of us
  • 1
    @vane Fuck yeah. Not to mention I worked with them and they are incompetent as fuck, doing things including those you mentioned.
  • 0
    @beegC0de I've had that happen before and it was a nightmare.
  • 2
  • 0
    @Kulijana age discrimination.
  • 1
    @jeeper I'm just gonna let their stupid asses be. This isn't worth my time.
  • 0
    @Kulijana They said it over the phone, that I'm too old for them.
  • 0
    @Koolstr Yes, it is one of my criteria.
  • 1
    @Linux Hahaha, yeah!
  • 3
    How old are you? I think age doesn’t matter as long as the skills are there. Being an introvert isn’t bad at all - as long as you get along with your team members and get work done it’s all dandy.

    Really look into that with discrimination in mind and try sueing. Also where are you from? :)
  • 0
  • 0
    @varikvalefor Whoops. Wrong thing.
  • 5
    Well a private company should be able to have whatever criteria they like. However absurd or discriminating they are. They may want to hire only black people. Only white people. Only women. Only men. Only cool guys. Only young people. Only people with funny noses. Only people with tattoos in their asshole. Whatever the companies' people deem suitable for what they want under whatever criteria they like. That's why it's a private company and not a public company. Others can react as they please, they may stop business with such a company, and people may stop buying their products, and professionals may not choose to work there. The company has the absolute say on hiring criteria though. A private company aims at doing what it wants in order to produce profit. It is not an entity run by the people for the people. It's an entity run by some people for their own profit. When companies are forced to be public and follow the orders of the government in how they run, we can speak differently.
  • 5
    That's terrible that this happened to you. But given that they were impressed with your skill and depth of knowledge, convert your energy into finding a better opportunity where you will be valued.

    I don't understand how being introverted makes you a poor fit for a technical role. If this was sales or marketing or business acquisitions dept I would understand, but this potential employer may want to run a frat house instead of a developer/tech team.

    Keep your head up and forge forward. It's the only way-forward and upward.
  • 1
    @aondoe This is the best reply I've gotten. Thank you.
  • 1
    "Only people with funny noses."
    I see where you are going with this 😂
  • 2
    If you dont think some one would fit the team, is that not okay to not give them the job?
  • 1
    @Santaclauze yes but you can't say "you are too young or old to fit in the team" "you don't fit in bc you aren't the same race or sex" "you don't fit in because of your national origin or religion"
  • 1
    @jeeper the dude did say introvert. That is a personality trait and its very different to race,sex,religion or nationality.

    Age is a different matter but even then that is discussable.

    At least he gave a reason. Some one can refuse to take you just on the basis that they dont like you.
  • 1
    @Santaclauze age is a protected category in the US Civil Rights act of 1964
  • 1
    @jeeper i didn't know that. Ty.
  • 1
    I got rejected in a US startup because I didn't have an "American accent"
  • 4
    @leksyib sounds like a bad case of broken startup sequence.

    Have you tried to shut it down, then start it again?
    Sometimes, burning the whole place to the ground can help too.
  • 1
    What? Fuck those people, sue them for discrimination!
  • 0
    Well, software is built by teams
  • 0
    @Teabagging4Life that's pure bullshit and most countries have laws against discrimination like that. Within Europe and Germany especially you cannot choose your employees on any of those criteria you mentioned.
  • 1
    @felbit But my catch is, you are a private company, thus it's your choice WHOM you put on your company. Your should not ask for permission outside the company for your internal affairs. It should not be like "hey, rest of you people who have nothing to do with my company, do you approve of whom I choose to work for me?". If we are talking about capitalism, that's insane. It's not discrimination. As a company, you
    don't owe anyone an opportunity, you take in whoever you see fit by your standards. Take for example a movie company. A movie company does have appearance criteria to hire its actors. Is that discrimination for you? Why can a movie company have appearance criteria, but not another company? They're all companies. Is there a hiring police that says "You can have appearance criteria, but you can't"? It's no one's business why a company chose the criteria it chose.
  • 1
    I highly doubt those where the words they used in your rejection letter/conversation
  • 1
    @Bitkris You're right. They could have told him off by saying something as simple as, "we felt you weren't a good fit for the team"
  • 1
    Damn. I thought introverted was a job requirement.
  • 0
    @rutee07 You sir, and your philosophy, are on point! 👊
  • 0
    It's their loss. Their "young and cool" employees would have merge conflicts every hour due to pushing to master all the time
  • 1
    @ausername Ahahahahhaha, that happens way too often!
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