
I found the height of my laziness today.
While watching youtube videos, I watched a whole 3 and half minute Ad and did not click on the "Skip Ad" button because I was too lazy to get up and move the mouse or even press a single key

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    I feel you..
    See: Remote Mouse app
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    @markie-tee Thanks. But I am probably too lazy to pick up my phone too
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    @xkill Your devotion to idleness is truly an inspiration. I'm work towards doing less every day, but am clearly but an enthusiastic amateur.

    How do you handle toileting? I find have to get up and walk to the cubicle a shocking waste of calories. Have you managed to solve this problem? Seems like you'd have the determination to tackle this...if it wasn't too taxing...obviously.
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    +1 for lazyness

    Got myself a lamp with a remote for my living room the other say, so I don't have get up when it gets dark.
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    @platypus That's definitely the next thing I am going to work on...😁
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    but did you drink ants?
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    @cursee didn't get the joke.....
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    @xkill I drank coffee with ants yesterday because I was lazy to clear the ants from the sugar while making the coffee :3
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    @cursee you bet me...
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