
This is how they prevent people from urinating in public in the Czech Republic.

  • 6
    @S-Homles don't know actually, but it might be somewhere around there!
  • 5
    @mrgadget see the tags below the post
  • 10
    @mrgadget then just leave it
  • 5
    @kenogo I suppose devRant doesn't mind me posting meme, then who are you to tell me not to post memes?
  • 1
    @kenogo I'll keep that in mind next time before posting any meme 😑
  • 12
    @mrgadget, I think this post deserves to stay on devRant, I found it funny and the tags specify its meaning.
    This is a platform for devs, this fuckin post is a dev-rant and the dev is called @mayanxoni.
  • 7
    @th4t thanks for appraisal man!
  • 8
    I agree this is a devs rant and he/she is free to rant about any f***ing thing he/she feels like as long as its legally okay, skip the post if you don't like it.. we already have SO for opinionated devs
  • 4
    Well I didn't know YouTube is Dev related, plus I didn't know what is a joke/meme means. Oh fuck "I read the name of the app" but there is category such as random as well. I wonder what the fuck that means.

    P.S.- I hope all related person get the idea what I wanted to say. 🙅🙅🙅
  • 2
    @S-Homles bro 😑 feel the sarcasm
  • 1
    @th4t ...well based on your logic I’ll just leave this here.
  • 1
  • 4
    Well I could see the php logo then 😂😂 (real time pic lol) 🙅
  • 0
    @drekhi12 damn. You’re right. Even that was more dev related! 🤣
  • 4
    @mrgadget @kenogo Somehow this post got 113 ++'s, which proves that you were wrong. You are not the ones to decide what others can post and what they can't.
  • 0
    @kenogo same.
  • 1
    @kenogo @mrgadget Please read comments by @dfox on this year-old related rant https://devrant.com/rants/596137/...
  • 1
    @S-Homles 😁 I think this post has become a topic where everyone is putting their opinions!
  • 1
    @S-Homles 🍿 enjoy! 😁
  • 0
    @Floydian perfect reply dude!🤘
  • 1
    Its because UK’s turist
  • 3
    If it were my country, this kind of sign would increase the amount of public peeing. People would do anything to get famous here.
  • 0
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  • 0
    that's nice indeed
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