
If you use "lodash.map()" I will automatically 'request changes on your pull request.

  • 0
    And why's that?
  • 2
    @kpenc for large arrays array.prototype.map is significantly faster and doesn't require an external library included using require. Why use lodash when the function is provided out of the box.
  • 1
    @jp1871 yeah, and it's a method and can't be easily composed. I bet you haven't thought of that case.
  • 0
    @kpenc I'm not sure I know what message you are trying to convey. The prototype works with composition. If you want to use lodash.compose then fine as you already have lodash there, but if its just on its own. Why would you bother?
  • 1
    why would you use lodash for just one function? It's just a stupid generalization.
  • 1
    @kpenc that's kind of the point. You shouldn't.
  • 0
    @jp1871 @kpenc you two are agreeing with each other loudly 😂
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