
need some feedback on my new portfolio


  • 2
    $1,000,000 for a big project? wow
  • 2
    service workers?
  • 0
    @gren236 i just added random prices
  • 0
    @coookie i am still a high school student
  • 2
    Difference between 1 page and a big project in terms of what customers get? 😬

    Anyhow, it's fine - I'd recommend writing it from your perspective and not about you; instead of "X is good at.." write: "I'm good at .." to make it personal :-)
  • 4
    - Change "About us" to "About".

    - The things you have worked on need their own page as they are hard to get to for a lot of users.

    - Have multiple columns of skills, as it takes up less space.

    - Your pricing to me is a little extreme with seemingly little to justify it.

    - Don't rank your skills, let your work do the talking.

    - The website looks fine and functions but instead of it reflecting "you", it looks like a generic material design.
  • 2
    I always hate the ratings of skills in bars, or like 4/5.... It's just so contextless. Are you saying you're nearly a html expert? But then again I'm not your target audience so meh.
  • 1
    @ManWithNoName Exactly and on the flip side are his target audience going to know what a HTML is?
  • 3
    I'm sorry but I really dislike this concept of representing skills with percentage. If you aren't familiar with some part of (let's say) a language, how can you know it accounts to (let's say) 15% of the "full" knowledge. When can you say you've mastered 100% of something, especially when technology evolves so fast?
    And it also doesn't say anything meaningful. 80% of HTML5 means you've worked with <canvas> element or nah? And 90% of Bootstrap means you've memorized 90% of class names in Bootstrap?...
  • 2
    I've never been a fan of ranking skills. To me it's like admitting that I suck in stuff that I claim I can do.

    As for the prices, damn they're high! Instead of a pricing page,how about a contact form with a budget menu or something. Personally pricing is never the same for multiple projects and I believe it's something that should be discussed with clients instead of them seeing prices on your site. I believe upward prices can scare a client too, a one on one meeting will help you sell yourself and in turn you might be able to get a better price from the client based on the project.
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