The office toilet chronicles - episode 3

Someone left shit on the toilet seat. That's right. Shit. On the toilet seat.

This is the second time this happens. I'm working with fucking monkeys here. One of these days they'll start throwing feces at each other. I just hope I'll be long gone when it happens.

  • 7
    More like kindergarten to me rather than office
  • 13
    Put "out of order" sign on one of the doors and have a private bathroom
  • 2
    Wtf. Never understood people like that. Like grow up and clean up.
  • 6
    We had this too at SOMECOMPANY, untill at some point a guy quit and we were all shocked like 🤷‍♂️ clean toilets
  • 1
    @ArcaneEye I guess ...
  • 5
    I'd put money it's the office germ-a-phobe. Every office has them.

    Those guys (and gals) will squat-to-poop about inch off the seat, blow it out everywhere, and not think twice.
  • 3
    Are you by any chance workingnin windows kernel department? ;D
  • 1
    Some people lose their phone all the time. This time they left their iPhone on the toilet seat.
  • 5
    At my old office there was a mail man that always fucking dropped a nasty bomb in our toilet; pretty much every fucking day! I mean fuck! Does this guy not understand the concept of load balancing?!
  • 2
    @aether I laughed way harder than I should have at that. Here, have a ++
  • 1
    @rutee07 If someone did that to me, they'd get a plastic-wrapped turd chucked at them.
  • 1
    @rutee07 I think going Dexter on someone would be a bit overkill lol
  • 4
    Haha wow that’s ridiculous.
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