
Next thing you know, you're getting an email from your oven about it's updated privacy policy.

  • 7
    Accepting oven's terms of use...ridiculous!! What's next? The same with a hairdryer or a chef knife?
  • 19
    "Updating...Do not attempt to heat your pizza until completed..."
  • 13
    Installed Arch yet?
  • 4
    His/her fault for using a new oven that shares his/her info.

    @Unai maybe in the UK they'll make those smart knives a thing.
  • 4
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode 🤣 as much as I'd hate this feature the SO would buy they oven in a heart beat!
  • 8
    'sudo oven make pizza
    sudo password:

    Me: "Oh sunshine of my life, did you happen to change the admin password on the oven?"
    Her: "nice try Mr "walking heart attack". Here's your banana."

    Me: "pfff stupid ugh.. pfff never should have shown her Ubuntu pfff...."
  • 2
    InternetofShits will kill us
  • 4
    @CoffeeNCode If my oven tells me to eat a salad I'm crowbarring the damn thing open and shoving a steak, cheese and cream pie into it.

    Taking back control.
  • 1
    @platypus @CoffeeNcode Make it 3 please lol
  • 2
    @CoffeeNCode If you bring a baseball bat to discipline the oven, then yes.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet All AI oven haters welcome.
  • 2
    @platypus I got a bat too if necessary!
  • 0
    I mean, now I'm curious. Just what can you install on that thing? A full linux distro?
  • 0
    Welcome to the matrix
  • 0
    Waiting for someone to install doom on it.
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