
Greetings from Greece! Except for one podcast I left all my dev related stuff at home to enjoy the sun😌
Hope y'all are having a great day!

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    If this was Greece, the bottle should be labeled Mythos. ;)

    Just kidding, mate. Enjoy the sun.
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    @Jilano the weather looks pleasant!
    @arazzz Amstel has a brewery in Greece, but I'll try Mythos next ;)
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    Enjoying the sun yet? Or are you thinking about that....one...nagging....bug that you left behind?!
    Muahahahaha ;)

    Hopefully not! Have fun in...glyfada by the looks of it?
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    @SHA-16384 @Rick-C137 I'm on Rhodes and nope actually not thinking about bugs, not yet atleast haha
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    aaaaand I'm at school -n-
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    Is the water there really hot?
    In Algarve were getting cold water from the Atlantic
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    I just came back from skiathos .. we had a great time here, just wonderful, I miss it already.. Have a nice holiday
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    @GyroGearloose it's not really hot, but still like 24°C if I had to guess
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    @jonii 28 here yesterday...
    But weather is changing in Portugal.
    summer is getting latter and latter. This is the month were we used to get up to 40º ..
    Now barely gets 30..
    next month will probably be the hotest (or we get a month storm like a few years ago).. and when it was suposed to coll down is the best time to take vacations... September.
    They say Portugal will have tropical weather in 20, 30 years... I think it as already started.
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    @GyroGearloose I was talking about the water temperature, aur temperature is up to like 33°C
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    I'll be greeting you all from Turkey soon enough :)

    Have a nice holiday man :D
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    @jonii I wannnaaa go there...
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