
*client complaining about an issue they've been having for a long time now*

Them: this has been going on for ages, if a solution doesn't come up soon were moving somewhere else!
Me: I'm sorry to hear that but in the last ticket I see that my colleague sent a message asking for information but you never replied?
Them: that's right!
Me:......... Why didn't you reply...?!
Them: we were so annoyed that we have this issue that we just didn't want to reply anymore!
Me:...... Do you realize that we can't smell or sense that its still an issue when you don't reply to our request for more information?!
Them:........ so I should reply again if I want this to be looked at again?
Me: yes that's be a goo.....


  • 48
    Why people take tech issues like tech people can predict and just throw magic to solve shit?

    When they go to the doctor, I'm sure it doesn't go like that:

    Patient: I'm sick

    Doctor: Say no more, I predict you need this medicine

    Patient: Thanks! I'm better now!
  • 21
    I thought you system admins are magicians who know about all the problems and fix them. Why do I have to give you info? I'm not tech person so what good my info would be! And my personal laptop just works without any problem. Why can't you be like that.
  • 6
    @yendenikhil that "My personal laptop works" nailed it lol

    I feel bad for sys admins/IT they have to deal with lots of shit that I end up sometimes finding client change requests to be a lot less of a pain
  • 5
    Sometimes you gota fire a shitty client to make space for an awesome client...
  • 4
    @gitpush It kinda could work like that (in future), if only we had some kind of logging device inserted into our body and it would gather enough data about us that asking those questions wouldn't be needed. In fact doctor could give even better diagnosis, because patients not always give accurate information about their issues.
  • 3

    1. NO! Arrays start at 0

    2. I'm pretty sure there is something in the works for that, though I think it needs time
  • 1
    @yendenikhil "the old company I used to work with I had not problem at all. They charged me much less and I never had any kind of problem hosting that txt file for download of my 2 brothers. They always kept it clean and perfect working."
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