
There's no greater waste of time than laying in bed with your significant other and waiting on them to fall asleep so you can tip toe back to your computer in order to hit a deadline.

Literally my ritual every night.

  • 3
    You're not alone! I do this too!
  • 4
    same here but with open source projects :D
  • 10
    you have a SO????
  • 10
    my problem is that I fall asleep when my head touches the pillow :(
  • 11
    @qwerty1337 you lucky bastard..
  • 3
    I am trying to get my 7-8 hours now. Used to do thus more before. Now I sneak some personal projects into the daytime instead.
  • 3
    7-8 hours of sleep to be clear. I pushed it a bit to much and now I have to take care of myself better.
  • 3
    "hit a deadline". I see what you did there ;)
  • 4
    I do this too. But I work from bed. So I'm waiting for her to fall asleep so that I can start working :)
  • 4
    We have a nightly ritual with my kid. Bath, bed, sneak back to the computer. Sometimes it takes an hour, sometimes 3. There's times I just go with it and get up earlier to work.
  • 1
    Same here!
  • 3
    after doing this for some time i just started going to bed atthe same time and waking up early to get things done.
  • 2
    Why not just work on what you need to get done? Be straight forward walking on egg shells in your own house sounds terrible! I am sure after having a few different SO that lived with me my typing on my mechanical keyboard was not what kept them up at night one of them even liked the sound helped her get to sleep.

    In short be yourself, live your life!
  • 1
    I thought I am the only one!
  • 1
    I don't sleep with my love as of now but talking her to sleep before late night coding session is my ritual.
  • 1
    If you are not doing this for YOU, go back to bed! Your significant other (and yourself) is worth it!
  • 1
    "Aren't you getting tired babe? Let's go lay down."
  • 3
    @Jase amateur mistake. Always be sure to dim screen and silence your devices.

    This has been a public service announcement.
  • 0
    @ericfledderman this is valid advice lol
  • 1
    To update my previous comment... I just had my second kid. There is NO time to code while at home. I purposely work longer hours at the office.
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