Hello guys. A newbie to the app. I would like to ask - start a conversation with you about adopting new technologies, if should we follow or just wait? I am a PHP developer. I would set myself around mid to senior level. Since I graduated and I start working on a Marketing/Development Company, I have been develop a lot of websites, platforms with pure PHP, JavaScript, SQL. Later I start using framework like laravel. Now I am thinking about JS frameworks such as node, vue, react, angular and maybe later noSQL. The problem is that there are many new technologies that companies required when you apply. I want to learn new technologies but I don't know if that would be helpful than focus on LAMP and get better and better to that. Many orgs have implemented their own technologies and each company is getting mad to it. You see each company adapt these new technologies even if they don't want em or projects required it. So my question is: are we talking about dramatically speed and light use to server when we use new frameworks like these, previous mentione + etc? Or companies are just trying to look cool by mentioning many techologies while projects could never ask for em? (Nothing serious, I am just trying to make conversation and clear my thoughts by getting others opinion)

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    All of the frameworks you mentioned are in demand and my personal fav is angular2+.
    Try each of them till hello world level, once you like a framework go with it. You are most probably to ace with something you like comparing to something being forced on you.

    All the best & Welcome to devrant! 😊
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    Hello Mohammed.
    Thank you for your comment.
    When you call ''are in demand"? Can you explain more? I mean, there are in demand cause they got famous or because they got really faster than simple architectures like LAMP and Microsoft .net + etc? In other hand I tried angular. But still I would love to get an explain how could I use with PHP and if there is a point to it. Sincerely.
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    @mihailllaftiu In my opinion,
    In web dev world, there is no language faster than the other, maybe some language solves some other language's shortcomings! other than that it's all the mighty server's specification.

    For Angular with PHP, your PHP will work as a backend and provide an api that feeds Angular with data. So most of your app's logic, routes... etc will be in Angular, only the data is coming from PHP.
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    @mohammed so you say that I could use PHP for back end and angular to front end e.g at laravel' blades. Am I right?
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    @mihailllaftiu Nope, basically both PHP and Angular are independent from each other.

    If you use Laravel, you will only use it to create an api (like rest api) you will be using controllers, routes (maybe) and eloquent models only! You will not create any views!

    Your Angular app will have the views and the application logic in it. To make it more clear, Angular doesn't care or know what backend is used for api it could PHP, node js, asp.net... etc.
    ***I'm talking about Angular 2+
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    Alright. Got an answer - opinion I think. But what would you say for a social network - media implementation? What kind of technologies would you choose and why that? πŸ€”
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    @mihailllaftiu any combination will work! Think of it this way frameworks are weapons and the project (social media in this case) is the target. Every weapon has pros and cons but it can destroy the target!

    Wait for others to comment because these are just my opinions and thoughts!
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    So you say that depends on me. What weapon do I know better, the one I like the most and the one I could shoot the Target with, right?
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    @mihailllaftiu Exactly! πŸ˜‰
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    Fair enough to me, but the companies have another thought, anyway! πŸ˜›
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    @mihailllaftiu Every company has their own weapons, the weapon that most of their employees use! And if you are going to join them you must know how to use their weapons! Or you can look for a company who uses your weapon.
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    Frontend frameworks like Angular, Vuejs, Reactjs etc are usually used to create Single Page Applications (SPA). This can improve performance by caching the frontend modules in the browser. That means it will be loaded only once and all subsequent requests to api will only be simple json data. Have a look at "Progressive Web Apps".
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    I'm an Angular + Laravel developer but recently I've developed Angular + ExpressJS. It's interesting to know a couple of stacks to get a better understanding on emerging technologies.
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    I personally think Angular or React is the way to go.
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    I will set you on fire for using php 😬

    Welcome anywayπŸ˜ƒ
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    As for frameworks.. I'd rather you perfect one and make it do everything you want then you can gradually learn others
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    @r0b0t What's wrong with php? If it's about performance then have a look at php 7 and Swoole. PHP has a strong user base with rich libraries. There's no reason for one to not use php unless the use case is very specific where a certain language excels at.
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