I read somewhere that you should change job each 3 or 4 years. I was wondering how often do you change job? 🤔

  • 9
    When the pay rises stop.
  • 2
    When it starts going down the drain ... So smth like 4 years 😋
  • 2
    At least til my pension and 401K are vested, so 3-5 years with a company. I typically change positions every 1-2 years until I get bored
  • 0
    Then, in the end its all about $🤑$
  • 1
    About every year or so...
    But im a contracter sooo
  • 1
    Well my first job was 12 years give or take a bit (armed forces)

    Second job was 1 year 4 months

    Third job 2 years 1 month

    Fourth (current) job 6 months so far...

    Since leaving the armed forces I have changed jobs when there is no more opportunity for advancement, not necessarily promotions but when I’m no longer learning anything.
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