
Gpt 4.5 is out and it's only benefit is 'vibes'. Probably doubled down on being woke. Also, it's expensive as F. Pure to screw over stupid people who want to use newest without thinking. Btw, the people who present it in the openai video are terrible. They're just promoting the awkward unsocial stereotyped nerd. I don't believe those people really work on it. A true nerd always knows how to tell about their shit with detail and passion. That's what makes them a nerd, not being social awkward.

Fuck you OpenAI, in any way.

  • 1
    Yup, I agree, it was ~13 minutes of low energy "yeah it thinks more random now"
  • 1
    @BordedDev really low energy, I was never so bored about something that interests me so much. It actually would explain smth if they would be the real devs of OpenAI.
  • 2
    good. let the hate flow through you.
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy I'm just mad because how unreliable their system is and they actually spend time on "vibes". I'm happy with the AI on how it is, IF it works. Why does nobody talk about the instability? You notice this stuff only if you're a very frequent user. But I have stuff automated on it - and that stuff requires a lot of maintenence and error handling. I just can't trust it.
  • 1
    @retoor because it's gadgetware.

    Grow up and code me a synthetizer so I can become a DJ.
  • 0
    @retoor because it's gadgetware.

    Grow up and code me a synthetizer so I can become a DJ.
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