
greetings, fellow humans! I am so enjoying being a human today.
So, anyway… Breathing, am I right?

  • 5
    Ah, you gave yourself away. Real humans don't breathe. That's just a myth. It is, isn't it? Internal oxidation for energy release? Nah, I don't buy it.
  • 4
    @TrayKnots sorry, my brain is right now, I mean I am right now occupied by processing external stimuli, as any human would
  • 4
    @kiki Yes, that sounds very human. Carry on.
  • 4
    @TrayKnots I want to thank you, my fellow human, for giving me this affirmation today. Isn't it good and happy that we are both humans being humans at this exact moment of time?
  • 3
    @kiki Here is what I‘m thinking:
    Before you finished your starving to death challenge, you sold your brain to an AI startup company.
    Now you are the first sentient AI based on a human brain.
  • 4
    @Lensflare buying and selling things is indeed a typical Human activity that I, bEing a human, enjoy very much. I enjoy drinking water with my feLlow humans too, esPecially while sitting by the caMpfirE.
  • 1
    Hello, my friend. How is the air today?
  • 1
    Hello, my friend. How is the air today?
  • 0
    Yes, breathing, indeed
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