
Day 35 of starving myself to death challenge. I didn’t sleep and I’m wasted, so what does it mean? It means LETS FUCKING overdose on caffeine from diet Red Bull and Diet Coke, eat nothing and spend the whole day head down, death grips blasting, working on my project
Let’s hit derealization by sensory and mental overload 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
And by the evening… oh, come sweet sweet slumber

  • 6
    heart attack burger
  • 3
    didnt you eat like 2 days ago -,- that should reset the days

    it aint 35 anymore
  • 2
    @azuredivay don't bother bro. crazy gonna crazy any day.
  • 0
    @azuredivay you clearly didn't read any of my comments under any of the posts. I DO eat, I just eat very little

    it's the better way to starve than just not eating at all, as it's more sustainable
  • 0
    @kiki it's actually more stressful on the human body because it can't enter starvation mode
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