
all of u whenever u shit u think of me now. true or false?

  • 4
    Not always, only for big dumps
  • 7
    I was thinking about a game idea about you. It's called "Prince of Serbia". It's about a young guy just finished a MSc at an University no one ever has heard of. Full with student God complex it starts looking for a job and gets rejected based on experience, what is weird. They knew it upfront, there must be something else going on. In full denial and no self reflection, his journey starts. He'll abuse women, provocatie online and can't forget his ex who has him in total control. The game will be gta style with a free world. Your life bar is always at top 13%.
  • 3
    @retoor you know how games always avoid to show how the player or the npcs need to shit.
    Well, in this game it‘s the opposite: The game avoids to show anything else but shitting.

    Name could be "Full of Shit"
  • 2
    bro we aren't living in the 90s.

    We take our phone to the toilet with us.

    You're the last thing we would think of.
  • 7

    *opens devrant while on the toilet.*
    *reads b2plane's rant*

  • 3
    Nope. I think of you whenever I see shit
  • 1
    Think of who?
  • 2
    @Lensflare that's just one time then. And devRant has other rants as well

    OP said "whenever" which is presumptuous.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy yeah, that‘s true
  • 1
    @retoor I was thinking of making him an antagonist in my game. Have him cause trauma in women until he is dealt with in game. Probably something to do with large gaping device to relieve the anal pressure. Turn him into a twink at a flesh arcade.
  • 1
    @Lensflare this shit right here is why I won't use an app. devrant doesn't invade my privacy, or cause my battery to go so low my phone dies.
  • 1
    I feel like this is going to be like winning The Game.

    @retoor bend over for spankings. I am sure this is your fault somehow. I guess its not all bad if I associate spankings with the The Game now.
  • 2
    @Demolishun be gentle, else your wife and children will hear us.
  • 1
    @Demolishun huh? So you are assuming that the web app in the browser is better at not eating your battery and stealing your private data?
    I can‘t say if it is so but there is no technical reason for that.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I use it on a computer. Its plugged into the wall. No phone battery involved.

    "doesn't invade my privacy" - means I don't see messages on the toilet. I have no idea about it stealing data.
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