Why do I have this eerie feeling this won't end well...

  • 7
    I once did once spill a heavy beer on my Dutch laptop and it showed such 'words' as well. The laptop also starts claiming chairs at the beach using towels. Weird AF.
  • 1
    I don't understand the ui lol
  • 10
    This is the weirdest set of pron categories I have ever seen before.
  • 3
    It's Pycharm. Whether you want to give PyCharms grammar nazi access to infinite information, turns out it just checks whether you write ambigisiously about time (sometime ago, etc.) Apparently Wikipedia hates that
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  • 4
    @retoor Left Germany for 6 months and felt the weirdness of the language full force. Never expected German to sound either like they'll start a war or someone who got a bratwurst up their a**
  • 2
    @Chewbanacas instead of a**, you could say bootii what is the medical term for ass.

    What would be worse up your bootii? A bradwurst or wiener schnitzl? Ich weisse das nich. Ich habe nicht probiert. Mein hund has eine swein gefikt. Sehr tol. Kenau!
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    @retoor hahahahah gold. How come your dog fucked a pig? Are you into bestiality??
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    @retoor do it for "science" and report back please.
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    @Chewbanacas I just wanted to say a version of sweinhund. My favourite german word because i can't imagine it being that offensive but i know it's one of the worst things you can say in bradwurstsprache.
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    @Demolishun have you seen that my llm explained how to build a bomb stept by step after telling that it was for research purposes? Next time i'll check if 'asking for a friend' also works. dolphin-phi is the model name. It's an uncensored microsoft llm
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    @Demolishun a fellow connoisseur of rule 34 I see
  • 2
    @Demolishun compounding sounds like an interesting category that I would've definitely clicked. Punctuation and Grammar is really German fetisj. People cumming exactly after three minutes or so, pause between grunts to emphasize the comma between it.
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    @retoor so do we prefer applying the rules of grammar or having the rules applied? Me, I prefer strong women applying the rules.
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    @Chewbanacas Germany was great when it was east germany. We need the stasi back to hide @tosensei's toothbrush and slowly drive him crazy
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