
Small companies raising their prices after being made VC bitches is a whole separate genre of cringe.

  • 3
    klaviyo huh, I guess we're really out of words. Soon we gonna give products just numbers or go full windings. Emoji's even.
  • 4
    I’m a big fan of price hikes due to external issues like tariffs, bad harvests, and similar problems that cannot be controlled by the seller. Then, once the problem is gone, the price is mysteriously not updated.
  • 2
    @ars1 in Netherlands we once added 25c to gasoline (that's a freaking lot per liter) to fix some gap. We're more than ten years further and that 25 cent got not removed and it makes billions. Oh well, we're living government atms after all. Just bend over and accept. Get bend should be the governments motto. Ever been to a police station in Netherlands? Holy fuck what a building. And their cars, I do understand that they must be decent but a Mercedes is not uncommon. Ever heard of seat / volkswagen bastards? If you can't do mycg, but want to get paid well and the best quality stuff to work with, I advise to work at government.
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    @retoor I'm all in for raising gas prices. ppl shouldn't have cars in cities.
  • 1
    @retoor Police cars are almost always bought at a massively discounted price because it's good for marketing. The - catastrophically underfunded and understaffed - UK police rejected an offer of a few hundred free top-of-the-line Audis recently presumably because they felt it would create this exact kind of false image.
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    @lorentz yes, I totally understand that, but imagine if a cheaper brand would offer those deals and what else you could do with the left over money. But they don't care, it's not that they worked for that money or so. Also, like phones, you don't need a flagship anymore for something decent.
  • 1
    How come such a company, the very last bulwark of virtue in their battle for what is true and just, would blasphemize their noble cause by selling their own interests as compliance to the wishes of its customer base.

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