Client: We're already behind schedule and over estimate

Also client: *keeps asking for more changes*

Why are civilians like this

  • 3
    Just put on the backlog and move on :p We had fights within the company because of that. Everyone knew what "put on the backlog means".

    Also, poes.
  • 1
    @retoor it's a freelance client and I want to get paid

    Also poes to you too
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne don't you just invoice every month? Or no cure no pay?
  • 1
    @retoor this one is an on complication type deal
  • 1
  • 1
    Civilians? 😄
  • 1
    @Lensflare you know, users, clients, npcs, whatever you want to call them
  • 2
    they're saying that they're unsatisfied emotionally by you, not talking about the project

    the project is just a metaphor, and they don't realize it

    ... a lot of people I run into seem to, under the guise of "work" be needing actual therapy. if you're "emotionally available" for "the work" then this works as if you are emotionally available to them as people, and is actually their damage, not the project. because they can't handle personal relationships, they make professional ones personal in a creepy and gross way... sigh
  • 1
    @jestdotty this is... Alarmingly accurate
  • 2
    @TheBeardedOne I've seen and used the word "muggles", since what we do is basically "magic" for them.

    Also, @jestdotty hypothesis needs to be published. I have some supporting data...
  • 1
    @Lensflare I've also noticed this weird trend for this word to describe people outside of any given group.

    I find it confusing, but whatever.

    OT: Wait... There's a correlation between extra dev time && requests for changes? How absurd!

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