I was taking the tram and was standing near the door, a woman in front of me just had the door shut in her face, so I pushed the button quick and she could board (with a swollen face).

The poor lady was like 83 from vietnam. She told me about the how important it is to live in the here and now and control your mind.

  • 2
    Ostream, that was obviously an angel telling you to not look further than your wife and apartment and to quit caring about the whole world. Here and now young man. And here and now is freaking great, reading a message written by retoor on a x270 while holding a x270. Or do you have a new desktop now?
  • 1
    @retoor i have a thinkStation. It's the grandson of the original PC from IBM.
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    @antigermanist but yes obviously she was an angel. She looked quite fit as well tbh i dont know why the door smashed her like that.
  • 1
    Mind control is indeed very important. Did she teach you how to do it?
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    @Lensflare yes I'm controlling your mind right now
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    @antigermanist eww, stop it, it feels disgusting!
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