
Spent 4 hours on call to explain the whole thing to you yesterday. All that time to drive one fucking diagram and a short list of features & specs into your stupid, fat, greasy head. You said you understood it and that you agree with everything I said.

Yet today you’re acting like it never happened, and you keep insisting on the original specs you “agreed” had to be amended yesterday.

Why the hell would you do that, you retard? Didn’t we spend the entire day discussing it? Are you a fucking goldfish?

When it comes to you, it’s always one of the two: you either understood nothing and were nodding along (for 4 hours straight), or you just pretended that you were listening and agreeing, thinking that the “problem” that is myself will go away if you let me talk. Neither of those things makes you a person worth keeping around and working with.

I’m so grateful that this BS happened several years ago, and now I’m at the stage where I don’t have to explain anybody anything, because one businessman that didn’t have penis size insecurities (unlike everyone I was working with previously) dared to just let me cook. The bet paid off, who would’ve thought!

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    Here's some bullshit anyway.

    There should never be a four hour introduction to anything. That should be a document. The meeting should go over the table of contents and that's it.

    I mean, honestly, students sit in lectures, take notes, and ten minutes after the lecture swear that something said at the beginning was never said. Why would employees be better?

    Not your fault, kiki, I have seen that everywhere. Meetings scheduled for 2 hours in which people have jumped through the code, shown functions, too quick for anyone to read or understand what's going on.

    Or alternatively, I am a moron. Maybe all of you understand all of those things. From the perspective of the only moron around, you guys are suprisingly bad at everything, for being so much smarter ;)
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    > a four hour introduction

    It wasn't an introduction, believe it or not. It was one of the many, many meetings “needed” to “refine” the “spec”.

    > That should be a document

    There was a document. This guy doesn't read or understand such documents in their entirety. Instead, he will just randomly dig up an arbitrary version of an arbitrary document, go to a random developer, point his greasy finger at a random detail of what that developer worked on and tell them that whatever they were doing wasn't done to spec. It didn't matter that this “spec” was a raw version of a superseded document describing an unrelated app.
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    Well, guess I jumped to conclusions. Well, I have known people so dumb that every story about them sounds unbelievable. I guess you know at least one of those people as well.
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    @TrayKnots I wonder how all of those people I knew inexplicably got their high positions. Sometimes I think they're mandated by the government to artificially slow down the development of everything, thus creating more workplaces. A bit like what Wheatley was doing in Portal 2 — GLaDOS tells you that Wheatley (Intelligence Dampening Sphere) was designed specifically to always choose the worst solution possible at any time.
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    Try this for a read:


    Many, many explanations. One of them is:

    It is often easier to get rid of a person by promoting him. Until they reach a level that cannot be promoted anymore. Then, they give them a bullshit job title and hire someone else for the actual job.

    It also has to do that a manager does not want efficiency. If he ever looks for a new job, it sounds better to have led a department with 30 people than one with 3, even though there is only the work there for 3 people.

    But hey, there is a book full of explanations.
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    @kiki I feel you, I once had someone do an integration and just sitting there like "dude it's all in the openAPI doc that you have access to why are you scheduling meetings now I have to make you look stupid in front of the client because I'm just going to say, look at the doc here and then do..." (I can't remember if he could message on slack, but pretty sure he could email)
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