What the fuck!? Did you just fucking say you don't want to discuss API endpoints with me because I'm just a frontend developer? Get the fuck down from your imaginary backend throne and talk to me like the software engineer that I am. That's right, I'm a software engineer too, you fucking asshole. Just because you do backend and I do frontend doesn't mean you can talk down to me. And I swear that the next time you say you made all the work and I just have to "style it" I'll just leave. You can "style it" yourself.

  • 24
    I know we're you come from... However, take the higher road...

    I was a full stack specialist and was told I was neither frontend nor backend...
    I had to focus on frontend and become a specialist because the team was not strong enough and they told me "nahhh you don't get backend"
    I changed company and am now a backend specialist...

    Now, I am alone as the one guy that's done all tiers... No one dares to have those kinds of arguments with me because I can switch easily and help all tiers (I don't do css though because I am kind of terrible at it and love good ux designers)...

    All I see is people saying "here is harder!" and that is just not true... Each tier has a set of challenges and different concerns, but the product only works if all tiers work together and in harmony....

    Tell the guy to go fuck himself and if he breaks your contracts he better know how to "style" it because he will become full stack to learn...
  • 2
    Well, I probably wouldn't want to discuss backend API endpoints with someone who works solely frontend either. Mainly because the thought and development process of the two ends tend to widely vary. While frontend is prioritizing UI/UX, backend is prioritizing data and resource efficiency.
  • 4
    @JMoodyFWD you don't speak backend development with frontend, the same way frontend developers won't accept your input on how to do their job...

    However, if you take that snotty stance you will fail on understanding your consumer's needs (frontend)... And by doing that your project only works because of the hard job frontend does trying to make what you call a good API work...

    So, when that happens, I usually give all the credit to the frontend team...
  • 7
    @mmcorreia Please don't read too far into my comment. Take it for face value. I'm full stack and have worked both ends for years. When it's relevant, I discuss backend with frontend developers and vice-versa. It's not a matter of not valuing their input (I have a coding standard in place that prohibits pulling rank), but from a practical standpoint.
  • 5
    @mmcorreia and @JMoodyFWD I did both backend and frontend in my previous job, just ended up settling on frontend, so I know both sides are hard on their own way.

    Anyway, my issue here is how some backend developers look down on frontend developers, as if we are inferior and not really engineers.
  • 2
    @shellbug I hear ya. And yeah, the looking down part is utter bullshit.
  • 0
    @Hu-bot0x58 I couldn't, as he's the head of engineering. And the project manager. And a fucking asshole with his head too deep in his own shit, so even if I said something it wouldn't make a difference.
  • 2
    Tell the BE guy you know BE as well.
  • 1
    @Devnergy he already knows.
  • 4
    Frontend developers are fucking magicians. What would we do without them? I can't design if my life depended on it. (If you see my WIP website, you'd think a 5 year old designed it .)

    That guy wouldn't understand the amazing things you frontend devs are capable of. After all, he's *just* the backend guy.
  • 3
    @Michelle although I'm a frontend developer, I don't design. Instead, I work with a team of designers that do the design and then I implement it.
    Like you, I can't design by myself. My own website is very minimalistic and based on material design.
  • 5
    @shellbug Sheldon vs Wolowitz
    It will always happen, no matter who is who.. some people are just assholes..
  • 1
    @sladuled sad but true. And this person has been ruining what is otherwise a very nice company to work at. I'm considering either leaving or taking this higher up. But my boss likes this guy so much I might get fired anyway.
  • 2
    Wait, then what's the difference between designing and styling? Isn't it the same thing?

    As you can see, I'd fail as a frontend person.
  • 1
  • 5
    @Michelle designing involves a lot of UI planning, wireframing, branding, drawing and probably other stuff I don't know about. It's usually done in tools like Photoshop or Sketch and doesn't include code.
    A frontend developer creates the application following the design, while taking into consideration browser compatibility, multiple screen sizes, usability, accessibility and how the application interacts with the backend.
    There are frontend developers that also design and designers that also write code, but that's roughly what those roles do.
  • 2
    Ohhh, I see.
    That makes frontend harder tho. :/
    I thought it was all designing and making it pretty, but I guess not.
  • 2
    @Michelle styling (on the context of frontend) is just writing CSS.
  • 3
    @Michelle yes, it can be hard depending on the design's complexity and the amount of browsers (and fucking IE versions) that you need to support. But it's very gratifying when it's done and everything works and is just like designed.
  • 2
    @shellbug I'd risk it. Either it will get better or if you get fired you'll get some payout. If it gets worse you can always look for sth else and leave when you have backup.
  • 4
    @Michelle and please don't assume you'd fail at something just because you don't know much about it. Explore and learn as much as you can while you're young to find what you really like/want to do.
  • 3
    @sladuled I guess you're right. I think I'll bring it up on my next 101 with my boss. I'll have to think about how to talk about it as nicely as I can.
  • 3
    You could suggest that a great product is the result of teamwork from a group of people that each have their own areas of expertise and are all valuable, but ultimately work closely together collaborating and sharing ideas. His choices then become collaboration, or look like a dick.

    The tactic is not to counter attack, but to make the person who is attacking look like they don't care about the product.
  • 0
    @mmcorreia How can you be a frontend specialist and not ‘do’ css?
  • 2
    We have one person who does really great front end work and she’s loved by everyone.

    In fact, sometimes there are arguments over who gets to use her cycles for help!

    Front end is the shit.
  • 0
    For a few sentences, I was expecting this to be a Navy SEALs cooypasta edit.
  • 1
    @helloworld I work with designers that only do css... However, I do css and layout as well I just prefer no to :D

    I work with experience design experts and that gets me off the hook most of the time...
  • 2
    I'm a backend developer. It's important to communicate the URL pattern with the frontend devs because they are our consumers and we make sure that we provide the endpoints they need to easy rendering of data in the website.

    Man, you should work like a team. You might have problems with that later on. :/
  • 3
    I'm a frontend developer. Our senior backend developer always discusses with me when designing API. There are api endpoints that I require in order to improve performance and to prevent multiple api calls. He wouldn't have identified them if he didn't discuss it with me. We're good team.
  • 1
    If it's a front-end >application<, I'm wondering why they can't see the resemblance.

    Any back-end powered endpoint called by the front-end should be discussable.

    He's an ass, either way.
  • 4
    Both are equal in case of building the webapps.

    Great backend + shit frontend = useless webapp

    Shit backend + Great frontend = Showpiece and useless
  • 0
    @py2js so basically

    great ass & no tits
    flat ass & tripple D with kilometer of cleavage

  • 1
    @xewl That depends upon your preference. In your case either of the great things are good and feels good but in my case either of the bad thing screws up both of them
  • 1
    after all, what the fuck is a backend without a frontend?
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