
If [s]he hit you one time, [s]he will hit you again.

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    It takes some time before it stops being fun you'know.
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    @donkulator the second [s]he is not the same person as the first [s]he.

    Human language is very ambiguous and imprecise :)
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    @Lensflare Maybe the second [s] should have some kind of positive lookbehind to ensure they're either both "she" or both "he".
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    instructions unclear: my wife is not waking up after my right hook
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    I am constantly hit at home.

    Hit on my head, my face, strikes to my body.

    But I love this girl, so I endure.

    She also bites me when she doesn't like something and when I argue with her, she just starts crying, like it is my fault or some gaslighting bullshit like that. She bites me, I tell her not to bite me and she fucking cries.

    Sometimes she wakes up before me and does not like me sleeping, so, she pull on my nose to wake me up.

    I am determined to stick with her. No matter the abuse. I hope it will better when the teeth are finally through. Soon, she will be 1 year old.
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    @TrayKnots good one! I was like wtf until the last paragraph 😂
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    @SidTheITGuy that means she was your wife until the end. So romantic, you don't hear that often anymore.
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    But what if it's not a [s]he, what if it's a [t]hey?
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    not if s/he totalled his/er car and/or I'm in an ER.
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