So the people who gave root access to clowdstrike and broke half of the world's computers are gonna operate the three miles island nuclear plant?

What could go wrong, right?


  • 2
    It's far away, we're safe. They're just making themselves great again. It's better to be the Netherlands, 2nd! 😁
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    Reducing bureaucracy and nuclear power plants are no exception :)
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    > broke half of the world's computers

    not really
  • 2
    Holding Microsoft even adjacently responsible for the Clownstrike fiasco is, at best, a clear misunderstanding of the situation and at worst, a deliberately small-brained take.

    Is Chrome responsible for your shitty React app, too?

    I realize that MS sent the driver through their static analysis and gave it the green light, but you CANNOT guarantee runtime safety. Microsoft did the only part of their job they could. Even the entire driver validation process is, in my opinion, just an "extra" thing they do to help boost the perceived stability of their system, even going to the lengths to test 3rd party software.

    Still fuck MS though. Not for Clownstrike specifically, but they do lots of other bullshit.

    Edit: actually, fuck them for this too. PROS: more nuclear energy. CONS: ChatGPT.
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    @AlgoRythm if Microsoft weren't such clowns Windows wouldn't be as full of vulnerabilities you wouldn't need clownstrike.
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    @AlgoRythm yeah yesterday my friend showed me a documentary about how the WHO and Bill Gates did COVID.

    I was like "yeah still less evil than Windows 98"
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    @antigermgerm All things considered, Windows is actually pretty hardy if you don't install sketchy shit. 99.99999% of attack vectors are 3rd party software whoopsies.
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    @AlgoRythm yeah if you only use notepad.exe and pinball, it's pretty sturdy
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    @antigermgerm That's clearly ridiculous. Pinball got discontinued.
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    @AlgoRythm and so went the only good thing they have ever done.
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    @Lensflare i know, only noobz computers.
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