
Is it important to be proficient in vanilla JavaScript? Or Is jQuery enough?

  • 13
    jQuery is for quickly getting your static resources into manipulatable states. That manipulation requires vanilla js, or at least it ought to be understood the shortcut that jQuery is providing.

    I am oversimplifying things, but I highly recommend understanding plain js before using jQuery, and also understanding that web development is thankless ever-changing bullshit.
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    @gorsamp thanks for the suggestions 👍
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    jQuery will get you pretty far but be careful. Rely on it too much and you'll be doing yourself a disservice and learn a lot of bad habits.

    I would learn as much vanilla JS (ES5/6) as you can. Once you understand what's going on under the hood then take advantage of what jQuery can do for you.

    Besides, if you only rely on jQuery you'll never know what the dollar sign really means... 😉
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    It's always important to know the base language tho
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    Is this an actual question? Wtf is going on?

    "How do i program without knowing how to program" is literally what you just asked.

    If you are actually asking if you should learn just a library and not the damn language its written in then you should just quit now because theres so much more you need to learn.

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    jQuery is a relic of the past. Currently, everything can be done using only vanilla JS.
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    You most definitely should know the base language. If you are doing web development then JS is an absolute must and there is no way around it. I would not call JQuery a relic or something that you shouldn't use since for most animations and what not chances are that you will be well sorted with jquery. But do learn the JS language if you want to not feel completely lost at all times :) if you are a newcommer to JS then you are certainly in a great time since the language is going through a renaissance of sorts, but be wary since it is much harder to master than what it looks like. Way harder to master actually but it will be a nice addition to your toolbelt. Just have fun!
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    @mlask except parsing dates. Chrome and FF are happy to eat a dmY string as new Date(date.split("-").reverse()) but not IE nor Edge, safari we don't talk about it...

    But yeah
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    I used to use jQuery all the time in the past. But when I heard about ES6 something has changed. Back then I didn't know how to use vanilla JS, now I don't know how to use jQuery. And I am happy, coz jQuery sucks nowadays.
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    Be language agnostic... Be framework agnostic. Understand the core concepts, and then use what solves your problem.
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    @mlask currently? No. Everything jQuery could do could be done using plain js. That's what jQuery did behind the scenes after all.
    Could be done almost as easy in plain? Maybe.
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    All jQuery will get you, is spaghetti. You can cook spaghetti, im sure you dont need jQuery for that :)
    Just learn plain, vanilla JS, learn how to apply ES6 rules, learn about Object-Oriented Programming and then about Functional Programming. Then finally learn about JS design patterns, and you'll be ready to take on any web framwork (every two weeks lol)
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    jQuery can do anything you want.
    You can learn vanilla js later.
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    @Vip3rDev haha thanks ✌
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    Yes. Javascript is the language. jQuery is just the tool.
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    @Kimmax - haha, yeah, I was going to say the same thing.

    And yes, know the base. Less dependencies is always better. jQuery is still good to prototype something, but it's not something you should rely on.
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    @Phlisg there are better libraries for date/time manipulation than jQuery ;)
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    Please vanilla JS! You'll see that you can do a lot that jquery can do very easily, without using jquery of course.
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    No, its not a genuie question.

    I think its a dumb question that is attracting dumb answers like @dgfz 's

    You'll be fucked if any unexpected errors happen because you won't know how to fix them or search for them.
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    @mlask not using jQuery at all, pretty much hate it actually :)
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    If you want to use frontend libraries such as React, Vue, Angular etc you must know Vanilla JS and the new ES6 Syntax. You can manage without ES6, but Learning that will make your life a lot easier.
    But I've still seen people use only jQuery to do a lot of frontend work. But I recommend ES6 in order to stay relevant in the market.
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    @D--M pfff right.

    This is the modern version of "better learn C before learing high level languages".

    Why spend time learning vanilla js when 90% of the time you go for a jquery plugin anyway.
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    ... I hope your trolling me.
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    Im not.
    Maybe I'm a bit biased because I did a lot of work with jQuery before I "learned" vanilla js. For someone starting out in a language, I think it's more productive to just use the available tools to get things done fast. They can always learn the more advanced stuff later on.

    Maybe the other way might be better. I donno. 🙂
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    Vanilla Javascript is love <3 but jquery is used if you want to reduce code size !!
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    Vanilla Javascript is love <3 but jquery is used if you want to reduce code size !!
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    @sagarpreet ahahahahaha i know 😃
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