> finds files called "?" and "?.pub" in home directory. Not sure how they ended up there.
> tries deleting files
> rm ?*
> hits enter and realizes the disaster the very next moment
> cries in corner

  • 6
    Alias your rm.
  • 22
    If memory serves, '?' is a wildcard for a single character, and '*' is a wildcard for 0 or more characters, so '?*' is "anything that's a character followed by any amount of characters". And rm is the Linux command for delete. So, in his home directory, he basically said "delete everything!" On accident
  • 2
    Condolences man
  • 3
    @LuckierDodge All files deleted(directories will need rmdir or rm -r).
  • 2
    u s e q u o t e s
  • 5
    rm -- ?.file

    The double dash is a GNU convention. It means that whatever follows, no matter what, will not be parsed as a regex, glob, or command option.
  • 2
    @bahua -- is basically "end of args", right? Everything after is data. Most famous example would be git checkout -- <path>
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