
More than half of all support calls and tickets we get are so fucking easily searchable through our own fucking website and search engines, it's really fucking annoying sometimes.

"how do I redirect a site?"
Type the fucking word redirect into our helpdesk page.

"how can i reset my email password?"
Literally fucking type the word EMAIL into fucking search bar?!

"hey the article said to go to yourdomain.com/webmail, I'm not getting anything!!!"
"what domain did you use?"
"yourdomain.com of course!"


"how can I add a domain to my hosting?"
Search for the FUCKING word DOMAIN on our online helpdesk.


  • 14
    I work in devops where we do rotating support, similar experience! We did an experiment on counting the so called incidents where we answered back and where we had to take actual action (real incident), the ratio came out to be 3 actual incidents in every 100!
    And let me not even get started on stupidity and sometimes ridiculousness of the questions!
  • 15
    that's a classic design problem
    hire a ux designer, to find a process to reduce your workload while improving customer satisfactory. He/She will save your company money.
  • 1
    @heyheni Uhm how is this a design problem?
  • 10
    Is your support going through Zoho Desk, Intercom, or whatever? You guys would really benefit from such things.

    The support form needs to propose those articles based on the content of their message. That way they'll be stopped from pressing send, if the answer is already presented.

    I highly recommended it to be that way..
    Also, y u doing support anyway, no Customer Service Manager collegue to grab those q's out of your way? (:
  • 2
    @linuxxx your design is to complicated for (part off) your userbase.

    But the problem is with fixing it for those people is that it will probably make it really frustating to work with for people that know what they are doing.

    Wich I hope is the larger part of your userbase.
  • 11
    @linuxxx design is not only visual. Design its the art of problem solving. It's a process.
    Your problem is that you have too many support requests with "non problems" which is eating up your companys workload.
    That means you need to analyze the process on how your customer commes to you. Maybe you made it too easy? What could be done to improve customer satisfactory while reducing your support workload?

    and there is a huge difference between "make a better helpdesk" and "make a better way to help people with computer problems"
  • 1
    get interns, and get a complexity slider thingy on the form. How complex is this problem on a scale from one - to - ten, everything below a three automagicly gets forwarded to the intern... bam, saved you some time so you can rant some more on the boss his dime :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx wouldn't a bot help in those cases? A simple matching pattern could save you a thousand hours of effort, by just pasting the article content into the chat.

    The REAL support would only come in if the person would then ask anything else or wanted to chat with a real person.
  • 6
    "Hello, this is Linuxxx BOT. I have found an answer on our support site for you:
    - Have you tried to turn it off,
    - and on again?

    Please reply if you're still not sure how to use a damn computer..."
  • 6
    I used to work at my Uni helpdesk - tell me about it....

    one point to think about - if you cannot figure out how to use the online registration site, maybe you should *not* signup to the Phd program!
  • 2
    @linuxxx Are you sure you want to stay at that job?
    Sounds like you could need a more challenging one... 😉
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation I still love it! Slowly thinking about an entire career shift though ;)
  • 2
    @linuxxx here is a way to solve the entire problem:
    charge 5$ per support ticket. allow ppl to purchase a 4+1 bundle for 20$. push it on your login page.
    suppprt call volume goes to 1% of what it was. when you have to fork cash for stupid questions, you stop asking stupid questions really fast...
    and now the kicker: Microsoft does the same thing to reduce the suppprt load.
  • 0
    Oh, geez. I thought you way above the position to solve these type of problems.

    BTW, the only good thing about having stammer is no one expect me to pick up phone call 🤐
  • 0
    @magicMirror our company charge at least 15mins for every support request, no matter what.
  • 1
    @sunfishcc the trick is to charge before the call, and not after. charging after will still get you annouying calls + more annoying calls about "not paying"
  • 0
    @magicMirror we also charge subscription fee. So 😂 why not charge them both. We dealing with commercial export company btw.
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