
When you get a new XPS 13 and can't wait to make it yours with zsh and atom plugins...

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    Can't wait to uninstall atom then install vs code 😎
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    @sunfishcc And fill it with Powershell modules
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    I would go for atom and vim is already installed B)

    I have been a atom user from long time
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    Is that a keyboard cover?
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    @Lahsen2016 It slow and crashy for me while atom is fast and smooooth 😊
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    Maybe I just don't like Microsoft "stuff"

    And I work mostly on Nodejs or ReactJs and I am used to the feel of atom

    But yes I would give VS code a try :) let's see how it feels
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    @Snatched yes it is
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    @Lahsen2016 I use webstorm too
    But I think it's too heavy so I use atom most of the times
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    Is there any advantage to an XPS over other models from Dell except for the looks and build quality? Just curious and I myself also want an XPS.
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    About XPS I would say I didn't wanted to take a Mac

    HP doesn't have the build quality

    Lenovo has driver issues for Linux

    So Dell was my obvious and Fav choice

    And yes it has the best display and a splendid battery life

    You would not like it's web cam position btw

    Rest it's awesome to use I think if you are not a Mac fan
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    @VTCoder Ubuntu Gnome 17.10 with customised icon pack theme terminal ..
    Everything has been played upon :P
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    @ms10398 well nice....
    BTW beware I found quite a few bugs on Ubuntu.... Hope wouldn't make your system unbootable too. And also, hope they are solved.
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    @ms10398 why don't you make an avatar?
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    @ms10398 how about the keyboard? My Inspiron needs a hammer punch to get the character.
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    @VTCoder I checked them out
    It was corrupting some bios but the bug is solved

    And it was specific for some bios which Lenovo used and rare ho laptops and yeah I am saved from that
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    @emyu10 these are chiclet but the feel is nice

    I like that sort of feel when key rebounds back

    Yeah but don't worry this one doesn't needs hammer
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    @VTCoder yeah I am thinking to make one will make soon just as I finish I was on something maybe will have it till morning
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    @ms10398 I am really considering to replace my 4 years old Inspiron this year. But 13 is too small for me.
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    @ms10398 not only for bios, but few apps.... Also, when I installed, the iso as default didn't even have ifconfig installed...
    It was a heck of things altogether and guess who tried to use Nvidia??!!!
    Finally am back to 16.04.
    BTW due to 17.10 now my Nvidia 940mx is seen not as a VGA controller but a 3D controller which I still haven't checked if it affected its usage in windows too(dual booted)
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    @emyu10 I like mini laptops easy to carry
    And I don't like 15" any more

    It's small and powerful
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    @VTCoder oh okay will check everything out once then
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    @ms10398 reg the avatar, plese mention morning acc to which time zone.
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    @VTCoder yes sure

    Morning 6am IST
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    @ms10398 oh you too up yet.... Age?
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    @VTCoder I am just 18 :)
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    @ms10398 come on discord btw me too
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    @VTCoder server link

    Or anything to get in touch on discord
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    "She sells sea shells" => "She sells zsh"
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    @Mitiko Recently I tried install all apps with choco. Works extremely well. Don't have to click 'next' button for all the garage now.😏
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