
I bought a System76 laptop. They're headquartered in the same city where I live. In the "special instructions" section of the checkout process, I put, "I'm buying this because Apple took away my escape key."

This note came today.

  • 14
    The party is on my birthday, if only I could goโ˜น
  • 9
    Wholesome post
  • 4
    @theKarlisK What's the problem with AMD hybrid graphics?
  • 5

    Oh I'm definitely going!
  • 0
    @theKarlisK how odd. The amdgpu drivers give me 60+fps in 4k gaming without much complaint, and generally only dumps to syslog when I do something stupid (mistyped 1020% overclock). Try the and staging kernel, and see if that makes any difference.
  • 1
    TIL about system76.
  • 1
    How cool! I've been considering to buy System67 laptop a year ago but I'm not using Linux all the time anymore sadly
  • 0
    @theKarlisK stupid question: have you looked at the arch and Debian wikis on mixed gpu systems. My friend recently got an optimus laptop, and the wikis are the only reason I succeeded
  • 0
    @theKarlisK If the Nvidia drivers were as good as the amd ones, I would probably ditch my card now. But they aren't so I won't. Even I, author of the SO post 'how to add xorg-edges PPA to debian' find the Nvidia drivers obstructive.
  • 0
    @theKarlisK I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this, but have you asked on U&L SO?
  • 0
    @theKarlisK I feel you, AMD hardware is horrible.
  • 0
    @theKarlisK their drivers are bad, because it's really hard to write software for their hardware. ๐Ÿ’ก
  • 0
    Been using pop_os for the last three releases, I love it.

    I entered a contest from then vut I did not really apply since I am in Mexico, they sent me stickers anyway.

    Those dudes rock.
    How's the machine?
  • 0
    @theKarlisK you know about the DRI_PRIME=1 environment variable to force an application to use the dGPU, right?

    Gets around a lot of fuckery on my [Raven Ridge + RX560] hybrid graphics.
  • 0
    @bahua update?
    How did the party go?
  • 2

    They're not exactly party animals, but I had a brilliant time all the same. I took a friend(my wife was for some reason not interested. Go figure!), and we tracked down their office in a maze of industrial suburban buildings. Their office used to be downtown, in a pretty prominent location, but they moved earlier this year to their current location so they can start fabrication of their hardware, which wasn't possible in the space they previously occupied.

    Anyway, they had beer and food, which, if everything else had been a bust, would have been good enough for me. The party was thrown to celebrate, among other things, the launch of their Thelio line of desktop machines. Given the need and the wherewithal, I would like very, very much for my next desktop to be a Thelio. We got a tour of the production facilities, including the bender and the laser cutter. They're using 3D printers to manufacture some very specialized internal parts as well. The people who work there were extremely helpful and enthusiastic to chat about their line of products. This wasn't a sales pitch-- they're just genuinely excited to be working on this stuff.

    As a YouTuber I watch and enjoy once said, these people are my tribe. I had a great time.
  • 0
    @bahua wow, sounds awesome!
  • 0
    Damm that is cool!
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