tldr: I no longer like my job.

Several years ago I got hired at this company. It was great. Lots of things to learn. Able to make a big impact. The manager is great. Lots of flexibility. Raises were decent for the most part.

6+ years later. I have nothing to learn. I feel my career is stagnating. I'm quite good at my job but things are boring and there's no challenge. In the end my company has proved to me I do not make enough to justify my skills. I keep being told things are going to change and there will be new opportunities to change roles and learn/grow, but Ive heard that for years and trusted my leadership. They didn't lie to me but there are so many things out of their control that things just never happen.

My manager has become a good friend and I hate to think about leaving but finally just have to accept that all I'm doing is hurting myself and my career.

  • 8
    Been there. Done that. I still left. Months later, my previous employer's building suffered a sinkhole, a few more later - they announced they are leaving this country.

    Needless to say, I did not regret my choice :)
  • 4
    I once stayed too long and once went to fast away. In my case staying too long was worse, but that's bevause I really hated there. I have nothing smart to say about it.

    @netikras what is a sinkhole?
  • 2
    I def stayed too long and I didn't even have that many needs

    but I believed this rhetoric that you shouldn't job hop too much. I wrote them all they wanted, they gave me 3% raise and acted like it was related to all the compliments they always gave me but it was an insult. they also lowered my bonuses for no reason and the more money I made them the worse they treated me, and boy did I make them a lot of money actually

    then when I left the boss told me I was ruining my career. and then I had PTSD so by now haven't worked for 8 years so SIKES IM SURE THERE'S A JOKE IN THERE SOMEWHERE

    *makes it about me repeatedly*
  • 4
    @retoor a sinkhole? It's a hole in the soil. Arbitrary width or height. The hole appears out of nowhere and swallows whatever was over it: a house, a car, a person, a road, etc. I come from a region where they are extremely common.

    No joke. They have literally swallowed people, roads with cars on it, animals, parts of houses. Just a few months back they had one street closed in my hometown bcz a sinkhole opened under it. Across the whole street.

    Living in that region feels literally like living on thin ice. In spring. We got used to it and it became part of what we are. Fully aware one day we are likely to come back from work to half a house disappeared into the ground. Or wake up to that [has happened to several fams]

    google them. Fascinating..Holes. They form bcz some parts of ground dissolve under the surface, forming enormous cavities, until the surface finally collapses
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    @netikras time for mesh network of rebar

    so next time something falls into a sinkhole everyone can be impaled on old rusty metal!
  • 1
    Jobs are not supposed to be fun. They are slavery. You are supposed to make money for your boss and the shareholders, not have a good time.
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    @netikras wow, you're opening a world for me. I will check YouTube
  • 1
    @antigermanist cool, but exactly other way around :)
  • 1
    @retoor fun be to supposed not are Jobs. slavery are They. boss your for money make to supposed are You and shareholders the, time good a have not.
  • 1
    @retoor im so tired of watching at the screen. I wanna go to the mountain and climb and then kite to the beach and surf the wave that goes out.
  • 0
    @antigermanist When we invent warp drive, meet the Vulcans, find reliable sources of antimatter, and finally invent matter replicators you will get your wish.

    Just make sure you stay close to the core worlds. The frontier is hard.
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    @jestdotty i could be a capitalist and be happy to be a slave but I don't have the submissive mindset.

    I want to break free and do the mountain thing
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