
Fml my windows laptop just died on me :/ any suggestions what my next laptop should be?

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    a black one
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    chrome book. :D
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    Dell XPS 13 or 15, from the Microsoft store-- no bloatware
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    ThinkPad T460
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    Mac... as a Dev needing windows- it's really easy to add windows via boot camp. Funny enough- Windows works a lot better on a mac anyhow and I have noticed zero differences when using this set up instead of a pc.
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    Mbp retina is a delight to work with
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    Depends who's paying for it. :D
    Personally I'd love one of the i7 Surface Books but my boss is all "grumble grumble fit for purpose grumble grumble HP SLA contract something something... Dark Side".
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    Go with a gaming laptop. They are the most powerful and most durable.
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    @FelisPhasma or bootcamp a mac
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    @FelisPhasma true plus I game so its a good one. Do you have something more specific than just a gaming laptop?
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    @Sakuyu MSI, Alienware, And Asus are all good. Best to get one with a high cpu course count and a gpu. I use an Asus with an i7 and a Gtx 950m, and it works great for CS:GO and the other games I play
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    Thinkpad X220 is a great laptop, durable, older but their specs are about equal or better than currentaptops, and cheap on eBay.
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    MacBook Pro for sure if you've got the cash. Mine's 5 years old and still smoothly running the latest and greatest, and running Windows on the side for the sad projects where it's needed.
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