
html {
design: responsive;

I fucking hate frontend webdeveloping... It was all nice! Vertically aligning items using flexbox etc... But then God said, "let there be cunts who use unsupported browsers!"


  • 3
    I know that feelz. So annoying that companies stay way behind in the updates as well...
  • 3
    Yeah clients are dicks sometimes, fucking ie
  • 5
    I would absolutely love if my company just stopped supporting IE all together, but alas, we still support IE11 and unsurprisingly, the majority of the display issues that get reported are IE11 display issues
  • 5
    Frontend devs aren't bad developers because they are stupid. Frontend developers are bad because they have no time to get better at anything else.
  • 1
    I love the loong list of browsers which are tested with my personal website and have failed to create an connection with it.
  • 4
    If they use a browser you don't support just redirect them to Brazzers. Everyone wins
  • 1
    I spent a lot of time finding the alternative of { width : 100% } for safari in iOS devices
  • 1
    I secretly removed all IE support from our portals.
    At first I wanted to redirect IE users to FF/Chtome download page, but that would attract too much suspicion.
  • 1
    @Noob I forward people to https://outdatedbrowser.com... haven't had any complaints yet!
  • 1
    @Vip3rDev I wouldn't do that anymore. The site's gone.
  • 1
  • 1
    @ImATeaPot It's still there, I just didn't realize it's not https when making the link. Can't edit it now either. 😣😣
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